What's happening?

Mrs is practicing stairs now (only upstairs so far, that’s easier) and walking with a quad cane - only in practice and still needs a bit of help and safety assistance but still cool.
Ironically a twat on a bike crashed into me while I was pushing her weelchair, hit my hip and ran over my foot, so right now my walking style is somewhat similar to hers.


Can I add myself to our injury list please?

Kite surfing yesterday and I fell out of the sky from over 10 feet at a guess, into what was only 2-3 feet of water. It wasn’t enough. One of feet had come out of the footstraps on the board, and by the time i’d kicked the other foot out of its strap I was a bit late regaining control of the kite to control the landing. Impact to my heel which has tweaked my ankle a bit.

Thankfully far more spectacular than slipping in the bath. Just in case Rio drops by.


I finished reading The Divine Comedy. In summary, we’re all up the creek like an absolute bunch of cunts.


Which version did you read? The Sissons translation?

Robin Kirkpatrick. It’s the Penguin Classics series. There’s a fantastic series on YouTube from Baylor Uni., called something like “100 Days of Dante”, where they have a different professor/expert of some description talk through each canto.

I think I might have preferred a different translation, though; not that it wasn’t an experience, and I respect it for what it is, but I’d struggle to say I enjoyed the thing.


You could have just read my posts instead. Would have saved you a lot of time and brought you to the same conclusion.

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Who is the greatest visionary?

  • Dante
  • Cynnie
0 voters

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Guess who my local MP is

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I’m applying to be a Canadian. Going to be a long wait.

I hope it’s going well for you, but to be honest I don’t think all those braces, slings and supporting gizmos actually work. You simply need to want it enough. You need to really want to quit.

I tried several times before I finally quit my two packs a day habit nearly twenty years ago. That was a thirty-year long habit. I think the only thing that made a difference was telling myself that this would be the last time that I quit.


I wonder if you would consider leaving your country? It sounds like that might be a good idea.

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:tulip: :thinking:

I think it’s 20-25 years too late.


But for family, I’d have left mine years ago

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So would I … if I lived in Scotland . . :wink:


My son is into kite surfing and has regular mishaps, he is the most accident prone person I know, worst one was landing awkwardly and bursting his eardrum

Ooh thats rough. The price if being young, fearless and having good bouncability.
I dont bounce very well anymore.

It is a great sport though, just make sure they dont look at the Surfers Against Sewage app too often. Or actually maybe he should.

Sadly i think its a shrinking sport so good that theres some youngsters coming into it.

Still im pretty much over my little mishap thankfully.

Good to hear that you are good, not seen the surfers against sewage app?

We live in NZ, lots of wind and also good places for surfing, which I do on a SUP, although last year there was too much wind and that with choppy water doesn’t fare well on a SUP.

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