What's happening?

@Maria returned recently.

The others haven’t been spotted for varying amounts of time; @Livvy was active until a few weeks ago.

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red jedi is fine, just not on here. Scott Jones no idea……

Not heard from him for a while, but last I did he was all good.

ARD is preparing his amortisation calculations and waiting for the transfer window to slam shut before he comes back and we go through the same discussion again re FSG/transfers/shoulda coulda wouldas



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Secret? :rofl: known it for years. Plus on a sunny summers day it isn’t so idyllic. It’s utter carnage with the occupants of something like 100+ cars trying to cram into that beach. Then the tide comes in and your almost shoulder to shoulder. But it is stunning.

The farmer has a good screw going on there. Fair play to him, lucked out big time.

There are others…

There’s something about articles like this that really don’t sit well with me.

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@cynicaloldgit @rupzzz @Klopptimist thank you for all the information very much appreciated <3 surprised cynicaloldgit is not named ancientoldfart yet but i live in hope :joy:

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Arrived in Paris yesterday. I lived here for a year ca 2010; same, different. I’ve seen a lot of young lads in PSG shirts. Twelve years ago, it was Lyon or Marseille. Can’t blame the lads, I suppose, but the Qatari plan seems to be working, at least in Paris.

I’m here until the beginning of September anyway, and I’m not working, so I’ve a lot of time to kill, if anyone has recommendations to keep me away from daytime TV. Anything at all, really, but any dirty bars would be lovely. Staying in Oberkampf.


The family and I are moving to Australia. It’s been on the cards for a while, and it feels like a good time, or maybe out last chance before the kids hit their mid/late teenage years and realise they can put their foot down :joy:.

House is on the market, so it’s all a bit of a stressful time not to mention financial costs of permanent visas, shipping 3 cats and a dog (all not negotiable).

As much as I hurl shit at the UK gov in the politics thread and get a bit fiery when discussing Ashes etc , I’ve really enjoyed living in the UK and met some great people. All the Brits living in Australia I’ve spoken to often comment about missing the long summer days and the almost party like atmosphere when it’s warm, the distinct seasons etc and I’m probably going to be the same. And the office football/cricket bantz. And watching football at a normal time. Good news for everyone else is that last time I lived in Australia we broke our 30 year drought. So the EPL is on!

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but it can sometimes be a different shade and that shade is what you need.


Happy move mate, interesting times no question. Mate of mine moved to Canada. Worked out afterwards that for the cost of the 20ft container he could have bought entirely new twice over.


So get a move on and quit holding out on the rest of us ya cheapskate :rofl:

Honestly, all the best with the move mate. Contemplated heading home a few times over the last few years, but always feel like if I do, then the chances of getting back over this way will be fairly limited and still got so much I want to do.

Even just heading back for a holiday is something I’m wary of as last time I did that, I was secretly praying my brothers car would break down on the way to the airport so that I would have an excuse to stay

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Just keep in touch…and don’t forget us…:blush:


Just make sure you take that layabout @SBYM back with you, okay?

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You’ll regret it!!!

The football is on in the middle of the fucking night!!!

All the best!! Where you heading?


And no-one listen to the old kent rambling on the street corner with his pants around his ankles…

The UK is stuck with me.


is he singing about some old horse?

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We’ve still got to do that sort. The one where things need to be categorised into ‘what can you live without?’, ‘what will be expensive to replace?’ and ‘what are essential?’. There is absolutely no way I’ll go for a 20ft container because as you say, the cost is insane to Aus. But there are cheaper options for smaller loads: £900-1400. Furniture we’ll sell so hopeful of we do go the container route ( knowing my wife’s penchant for hoarding there is no chance we can go with just a load of suitcases), it will be lots of smaller items that take up little space.

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Back to the Noosa region where we lived for 12 months not long ago. As you can imagine it’s a big deal for the kids so going somewhere familiar is important. They know the area. We know people there. They liked it.

Watching football at night sucks I agree. I find it really challenging to follow along in the season. UK Sunday kickoffs are particularly brutal in terms of the work week.


Horses? These ones:


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I’m not sure what your situation is but yes, definitely, travel Europe as much as you can especially if you don’t have attachments like children.

I don’t really do regret but I did come over here with my wife already pregnant so I didn’t really get to travel Europe as much as I would have liked.

Always remember: every Aussie goes back eventually. :wink:


committed that many offences no other country will give you a visa :thinking:

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