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‘A certain age’…would u like a shovel…skating n thin ice…comes to mind​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


not in last 30yrs

Singapore is nice simply only because I am here


some friends were there last week. it’s changed a lot in 20yrs from what I remember

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Indeed it has. Singapore has changed at a rapid pace in many ways, for good and for bad

Yes, I confess, I took a magazine once, I wanted have hair like one of the celebrities in Smash Hits cover :see_no_evil: One of those terrible 1980s style, the mushroom look with the fringe :woman_facepalming:t4:

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Here’s a picture of a couple of TAN posters round about 1982.
@cynicaloldgit is easy to spot.
Who else can you see?

Oh I say Mr Bonus… Mrs Slocombe and her pussy will be raving mad if they find out this picture on TAN and I don’t want to be the one stroking the pussycat to calm her down, miaow!! :scream_cat:

You lot are really bad for health, I have just been holy for the month of Ramadan, now come to all this of the TAN. I am supposed to be spiritually enlightened. Nottingham Forest match can’t come soon enough, let’s get back to the swearing and arguing with each other shall we. :joy:


But would returning to TAN not be a sign of enlightenment?

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Looking back at the awful fashion choices of your youth is an eternal phenomenon. A Never Ending Story, if you will.

The Faranese Hercules (massive statue)


Went to Florence and visited the Uffuzi to see Michelangelos David. Another impressive one.


the one up on the hill overlooking the city is much bigger.

best part of that hill climb though, was the cemetery tucked in behind the 1000yr old church. at some point there was a shootout in that cemetary, the unmistakable bullet marks still remain on some of the tombs.



Last haircut I paid for was 1981.

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Most impressive airport I’ve ever been through.

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That’s one of the things that most Singaporeans are proud of.

been through Changhi Airport twice, I think that’s the one with the beds that have the timer in the headrest to wake you up from a nap, in the quiet zones that are light-restricted? been 20 yrs…

Could have been Incheon, I can’t remember.

Changi is a great airport, but the area has a unhappy history.

You mean the history of this area during the war? It was really brutal and also contributed to plenty of stories in this area. I am staying near this area.

I’m getting married today. We’ve been together a long time, with a gap in between but since our reunion, four years with three living together. So we’ve always referred to each other as husband and wife, today makes it official.

I’ve also got this foul head cold, blocked nose, cough etc. I feel very much like Bilbo Baggins arriving at Esgaroth by barrel. ‘Thag you very buch’ will be all I’m able to say. :man_facepalming: