What's happening?

I am depressed!! Thanks for the nice scenery @Bekloppt . It cheered me up abit

Thumper enjoying the sun :slight_smile:


Whereā€™s the pot?

Harsh and TBH I couldn.t be arsed shaving them.

Mentioned previously my missus has had to surrender her licence due to the severity of her glaucoma.
We decided to sell her little Mini.

Can anyone beat this?

We bought it 9 years ago with 13k miles on the clock.
It now has 16k miles on the clock.
3k miles in 9 years.

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Trying to explain the concept of Snowbird to a SG colleague today. It seemed like conceptually he understood the concept of cold weather, but not the implications of it :joy:

I just want my chocolates not to melt in 30 minutes outdoor. I was in Milan chocolate shop and I was deciding to buy more or not because I am not going back to the hotel until a few hours later and will be outdoors so I casually asked the staff beside, do you think itā€™s gonna melt if I stayed outdoors for a few hoursā€¦ She looked at me with an amused look likeā€¦ Why would it melt in that weather? I realized it was 10 degrees outdoor and not 35 degrees.

And also if you do not know by now, the only bird I know are seagulls.

I used to do that in 5 weeks.

Sat behind the curtain in a theatre waiting to load on Jnrā€™s black box of doom. Who wants to have fun on a bank holiday? Staring at the ceiling a lot. Shit there are some sightsā€¦.

Wow. How many flat batteries have you had?!

I thought our car usage was low - 40k KMs on our 9 year old (then new) only car for family of 5 including 3 young kids.

Surely not? Isnā€™t kinky sex obligatory amongst Tories? :rofl:

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Not with their wives though

Of course!

I donā€™t know how to post videos here, but Iā€™m sitting alone in a punk bar in Austin and theyā€™re playing Ant & fucking Decā€™s Weā€™re On the Ball.

Tequila takeoff, Tecate landing. Iā€™ll try again tomorrow. I offer this day back to God.

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Tequilla and Tecate. A little part of me will always be hungover.

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Hours on end. Daily.

Yes, being to the right and being a tory is like being white and being a slave owner. Hell, I have a heart and so did Hitler so I must be a natzi, surely?

Like clockwork, I book a day off and the neighbor has some wanker in a van round doing work that involves hammering, drilling and/or sawing. Every. Fucking. Time.

Is the fridge well stocked?

I think you are cross that I called you a tory? Sorry, I remember now that you support their policies (generally) and defend them on here as better than the alternative but donā€™t actually like to be labelled as one. So, sorry about that! My other go-to moniker is RWNJ - would that be preferable? :rofl: