What's happening?

Must get this crown square…. Ah balls, try again.

Fail Tom Hiddleston GIF

It does seem a bit spooky and divine that Burnley have won the Championship this campaign. They’re promoted and so is one of their famous supporters.

Got that from here to Facebook in less than 6 seconds :wink:

His Majesty swears to govern the people with justice and mercy … ???
So is he going to kick the Tories out … ???

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The little Prince is back, maybe he was just crawling around tying shoelaces together.


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Harry’s. He was paid to.

Personally I’m worried about a person even vaguely connected with France discussing our royal family. You keep your guillotines to yourself!

That photo of William and Kate, I guess is when they noticed Harry walk in. Not entirely sure which one looks less happy


Naaa, as it looks they will be good friends. There is always a naughty child.


Looks like a great British tradition is being followed: it’s pissing it down!

Camilla took the epic long graft, she looked like she was the cat who got the cream eventually after so many years.

Edit: Diana will always be Queen in my heart.


I like how, after hours of a Christian service, the king stops briefly to be blessed by the other faiths.


Facebook? What that then? :wink:

Imagine if Diana were still alive and still married to Charles. The Coronation of Diana’s Husband. I mean, would have been kind of cool.


Who that?


Joan of Arc hasn’t been revenged yet, has she … ?

I doubt Queeny would have approved but this is his show now. Charles is (I suspect) quite a clever man at heart and knows which way the wind is blowing. Keep as many people involved and happy as possible.

Sad there’s so much traffic on the road, my parents were telling me earlier that the country just stopped for Queeny. Mum couldn’t believe shops were open.

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That will definitely have been one of Charles’s wishes.


She was a witch…remember :wink: Had a fair trial !!!

He probably just said he supports Burnley because he happened to be there that day. Probably doesn’t watch football.