What's happening?

There’s a hot topic.

And…there’s Piers Morgan on Fox News adding some commentary. My morning is complete!

Is that Nick Cave? How bizarre, but ok…

No it’s Princess Anne, the forgotten one since she hasn’t run anyone over for a while, or at least no car accidents have been reported recently.

A couple of the horses look a bit bothered. Not sure if it’s the noise or the blue headgear.

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Used to own a Scimitar you know. What a hat BTW, like an extra from Hornblower.


Yeah, I was a bit confused about that as well, but found this

He said: "I am not a monarchist, nor am I a royalist, nor am I an ardent republican for that matter; what I am also not is so spectacularly incurious about the world and the way it works, so ideologically captured, so damn grouchy, as to refuse an invitation to what will more than likely be the most important historical event in the UK of our age.

“Not just the most important, but the strangest, the weirdest.”

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Maybe they’d rather be at Newmarket. Eh, @cynicaloldgit

On the theme of being strange and weird, it would be funny if one of the bands played the MonthPython theme.

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This just in. Harry making his way toward Buckingham Palace after the service.


And the moral of the story, even a snake can become a queen.


Those fellahs in all red look cool. Wonder why I think that?


A pal of mine who is with the army down in Paderborn has claimed that the entire British armed forces are on display today. If WWIII kicks off they have the regimental mascot and a pea shooter.

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Fantastic parade, except men in kilts playing brass instruments.

Bloke to The Kings right, saluting…Put yer fucking thumb away :rage:

I must say the king is looking very well.


Always thought he was a bad seed……

Where’s your money if one of them fell over or suffered a Marilyn Monroe moment?


I don’t expect Harry to be the King … :sunglasses:

You’d need a whole fleet of Fiat Unos……