What's happening?

Your Jr and my eldest must be of a similar age, mine is doing the GCSE equivalent in Oz

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Just saying @Iftikhar -
you might want to nip this one down to the clinic for the all-clear, before putting it in your mouth :0)

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Tom Jones.

He toured the US not long before Covid. I missed it and thought it would be the last chance Id get to see him so was really surprised to see him touring here again. The tickets were expensive and me and partner are both completely snowed under that we shouldnt be going out on a weeknight, but I had to do it. And it was worth it.

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IMO, Tower of Song - Best song from Tom Jonesā€¦ Hope he sang it

He did. The whole show was a balance between songs addressing his mortality and how he wants to be remembered vs rejecting that idea and assuring people heā€™s still get plenty of life in him left.

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Oh no, not again :sweat_smile:

Motherā€™s Day here in the States. 16 year old son had a footy game. Drove about 90 mins to get there. He plays for a decent club team in travel soccer, so this season they have been playing teams who are 1-2 years older. They have been losing most games, but hanging in there and actually learning a lot more than when they were smashing teams every week previously.

My son doesnā€™t know his best position and neither does the coach. They all have their badges and so on, but he seems to play wherever they need, or wherever the opponentā€™s danger man is.

Today he was in midfield, more of an attacking midfielder.

As play develops he is racing through on goal. He gets hacked down from behind, 25 yds out. The crowd is pissed off with the ref as he only gave a yellow, but in youth soccer over here, it seems it is very difficult to get a red. The other team were fouling loads all game long, and barely getting punished.

Anyway, free kick. Their goalie lines up the wall. Itā€™s all hushed. Mrs ROTW shouts out, ā€œScore it Jacob, for Motherā€™s Day.ā€ It breaks the tension and the crowd near us laughs their head off.

Wall lined up. Ref signals and blows his whistle. Lad steps upā€¦.

He only smashed it top bins. Dip, swerve, the lot.

Back in the day I played a bit, and it is a joy to me that he loves it. I havenā€™t got a clue if this will be his limit, or if he will have the interest to play in college or whatever. Scouts are at the games from colleges already, and it all seems quite business like to me. I like his indifference, and the purity he has in that he just likes the game.

Today he made his mom/mum/mam very proud indeed.

Happy Motherā€™s Day.


Brooklyn Nine Nine GIF

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Thereā€™s nowt wrong with them aubergines / eggplants / nasubi, but what are those other things? At first I thought they were eggs, but they arenā€™t, are they?

Anyway, I hope you were unaffected by the cyclone.

Yeah, the eggplants :eggplant: are fine. The yellow ones are mangoes :mango:.

Thanks for your concern :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. The cyclone :cyclone: hit the Myanmar coast. If it hit Bangladesh :bangladesh:, it would have flattened the Rohingya camps. One million homeless people.


At that age, Iā€™m surprised that heā€™s playing at that level and isnt getting actively recruited already

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On wednesday I was doing some clean up in the back yard and started cutting back some dead stalks on a lemongrass plant. As I grabbed the dead ones I felt a sharp sting in my finger thinking Id been pricked by one of the blades of dead grass and maybe got a barb stuck in the finger. By the morning it had swollen quite badly so I assumed Iā€™d got bitten or stung by a critter hiding in the grass and was having a reaction to that. Turns out whatever pricked me was infected and the infection was spreading quickly and into my hand by friday morning. I ended up in hospital attached to drip getting filled with a wide range of different IV antibiotics.

Im back home now and the finger is mostly back to normal but Im now shitting my brains out as a result of being filled up to the eye balls with the drugs


Lots of things lurking in Florida that will give you a nasty bite.

Did you have work gloves on?

No. I was wearing heavy duty ones right before hand because Iā€™d just been handling a bunch of lumber but I took them off to do the plants because they were too heavy duty and cumbersome for that work. I should have just gone downstairs to get my gardening gloves so maybe this will teach me a lesson (it wont)


weā€™ve been a few weeks late in getting our veg garden planted, to suddenly get stuck with a heat wave and now hoping the freshly planted greens survive the 33Ā­Ā°C temps this week. too early for these temps, had to drag the AC units out of storage after dinner last night.

And that is before including animals and insects :rofl:


Times must be hard for this guy ehā€¦ He needs a pay rise if he is resorting to this :0)