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Cheaper for Irish utd supporters to fly into liverpool today since we play in southampton,then get the train to manchester

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Iā€™m back in Buffalo. My wifeā€™s uncle lost his mind. He started throwing out my things because he found candles in my apartment and he was convinced I was casting some ā€œIrish voodooā€ on him.

Heā€™s an old guy, smokes a shitload of weed, never goes outside. I feel bad for him.

Didnā€™t have the heart to reiterate that Swansea is not in Ireland, and I am not Irish. Probably wouldā€™ve come across a little petty, in the circumstances.

But for the rest of you, I canā€™t stress how important it is to know your Irish voodoo from your Welsh, lest ye be damned to an eternity of candle lighting nephews-in-law.


Also: lay off the wacky baccy.


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Thanks for this, had me laughing on a Sunday morning.

However, you havenā€™t told us if you actually have been casting Irish Voodoo at him? Or Welsh? Is there a training course? Qualifications? A nearly genuine certificate? Donā€™t tell me youā€™re not registered with a recognised guild of voodoo practitioners and general necromancers? They donā€™t mess about you know, it will be pins in dolls before sunset. Iā€™d get my application in nowā€¦ā€¦.

Morrisons earlier. Mother with 3 kids between 5-10 ish. Iā€™m trying to get to the strawberries but kid about 8 has climbed into the cold section and is actively stopping me getting them thinking this is massively funny. Mum ignores him. I just look at him and frown and gesticulate down, nothing more. He climbs out and shouts to mum ā€œThat man just shouted at me!ā€ Her response? Completely ignored him and they carried on. Why have kids if you fundamentally hate them?

I kid you not.

Cropped up earlier on FB. Just shows what you can do.

Shopping on sunday?

Not something you can do :wink: Itā€™s genuinely disturbing to be in France on a Sunday. Stock up saturday!

Yeah whatā€™s up with that! Was on a holiday, stayed near Disneyland Paris, Sunday nothing was open

Jumping to conclusions.
Iā€™ve more interesting things to do during the weekend and am horrified that people will waste their time in a supermarket. Too much like work for me.
Last weekend i didnā€™t get to shop Friday or saturday, too tired, so went a week on what I had because after sleeping 2 days the last thing on my mind is to go shopping. Managed Friday this week so all set for the week. Been listening to Led Zep, Throwing Muses ā€¦ all morning and poping out to get some sun (not more than 5 mins or Iā€™ll burn, working nights can be a bummer).

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You have to get up in the morning you lazy wotsit! :rofl:

Oh a holiday? Perish the thought!

Gotta say though the Boulangerie in the village was fantastic! Got cheeses that you canā€™t get in the UK.

My girls made me leave them on the balcony coz they smelt so much.

Maybe they should bathe more often? :thinking:

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Thereā€™s a reason for that, they stink!!

Also that the government banned any manufacture of cheese other than Government Cheddar during the 2nd world war!
The Uk produced as many different cheeses as France do now before then!
Strange you say itā€™s because they stink considering one of the cheeses that ā€˜didā€™ survive this ban is stilton (of course thereā€™s no longer magots in it :rofl:)

Most supermarkets are open in France on a Sunday.

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Has football really sunk this lowā€¦

Iā€™m afraid to say it has, I canā€™t believe what Iā€™ve just read. What sort of disgusting, vile people behave like that??

Sad, sad, sadā€¦whatever nextā€¦the mind bogglesā€¦