What's happening?

Three weeks from now, I will be sitting at the departure lounge in San Francisco International Airport waiting to board a flight with my wife and daughter bound for Dublin. One way. Collected at the airport by a good pal, and brought back down to Cork where we’re starting a new life in Ireland after living in this madness for over 25 years.

The thought of being able to get over for matches and watch the lads at a normal time again rather than hauling my carcass out of bed at all hours of the morning has me salivating.

As does not having to work ourselves into the ground for a living, my daughter being in a school where there’s absolutely no chance of getting shot, having “normal” political scandals instead of the Trump-fueled ones, my daughter being able to go to college down the road without us having to bankrupt herself with student loans, and a host of other things.


Good luck Mick. I made the move to the US from England 14 years ago. It’s a strange land. Some upsides, of course, but your post is making me a bit homesick. I hope you settle well back home. Great place to raise a kid.


Scheduled to fly into NYC this evening for a couple of days in the main office and I’m 99% sure my flight is cancelled and they’re just not telling me.

A colleague has just been turned away from a flight scheduled to leave 4 hours before mine and was told the flight was cancelled as long ago as Sunday. I am seeing nothing on Jet Blue about even a delay on my flight, but one of the independent trackers has it listed as cancelled. Newark, where Im flying in to is currently projecting delays on incoming flights of up to 4 hours with 100s of flights already cancelled over the past 2 days.

Jet Blue says everything is fine though

Never had anything but pain and misery with these jokers. They make EasyJet look like Harrods Airlines.

Cancelled. They got me on an early morning flight that gets me in (to the wrong airport) at 9am. So not great and wont get to the office as early as I needed to, but its something…

No, that was flight was already cancelled as well prior to them getting me on it :joy:

NYC is a fucking MESS right now trying to get in or out of

kurt russell call me snake GIF

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Drive. get there quicker?

A mate drank too much and went over to the dark side.
Disturbing to be honest.

Seen 2 good friends do this. One went absolutely cold turkey and is now 3 years sober. He was on the brandy at breakfast. Now absolutely cracking on and doing really well.

The other, well, shit……

How come?

What’s happening?

Not a flying fuck in Liverpool’s transferwindow since Mac Allister …

Umm is that because the u-15 tournament are on their lunch break and are processing the collective lunch disappointment after seeing what their mums packed for them? Aren’t we waiting for them to wipe their tears away before we start talking to them about contracts?

Storms over the weekend caused them a bunch of delays and the system here works on such a tight “just in time” model that once you start getting delays the issues compound across an airlines entire schedule. When it hits such busy airports as these 3 the downstream effects are enormous.

My rescheduled flight was supposed to go out this morning at 6am, but got delayed because there was no crew. The issue with delays is that time counts towards the crew’s clocked hours, even if they are sitting at an airport waiting for a flight to leave. It often means that even when they arrive at their destination and are physically present to work their next flight, they’ve already maxed out their hours and are not eligible to work it. Then because the airlines have such little slack in their staffing schedule those flights end up getting delayed as well, even with a crew physically there to work it. It becomes an absolute shit show for them to get back on track with. The annoying thing is that for a flight to have this issue this early it means they would have known last night that they had no crew for it. Yet they cannot front up to be honest about it, so I still had to get up at 4 to catch a 6am flight they knew couldnt possibly leave before 10am.

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Take your car.

It’s 1000 miles and would take me over a full day of driving each way.

use a bigger car?

beyonce lemonade GIF

Cannonball it, easy 7 hours :wink:

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