What's happening?

btw, Mrs Sith cannot see with her right eye yet…She’s got another meeting with the doctor tomorrow , Think she’s okay though especially as there’s no visible damage but can’t rule out any abrasions.

Mee Goreng, just literally translate into fried noodles, is a classic food in this part of the world. It is one of the most popular supper dish at a mamak stall. These stalls also sell an instant noodle version of this mee Goreng, calling it Maggi Goreng. Both are nice, the fragrant wok hei over big fire… Damn… You can eat for every meal from breakfast to supper.


And that indomie instant noodle from Indonesia, I can tell you, it’s better than fresh pasta.


Well considering the utter shit that the world is in right now and the utter despair of people to the east of Europe I feel guilty being here in Italy but I can take a moment to simply admire the beauty of the world we live in.

It may be the last time I travel here.


@Semmy Sorry, but I laughed at that story :see_no_evil:

my parents were not laughing. I was a daredevil at a young age, skiing black diamond when I was 10-12 years old

This happened on a blue run, but I was out of the groomed area and deserved what I got.

Dentist bought his wife BMW when he was done fixing my teeth. thankful my parents had good dental coverage through Teamsters

It’s been a while since I last bought books. We have an annual Book Fair in commemoration of our language movement in 1952.

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I can understand bengali well enough , largely due to my ex in college days…being a bengali… Still didnt stop me from mocking her accent and pronunciations though.

But bengali movies while ive seen many of the great ones , still have to find a reasonably good translation of bengali literature which doesnt murder the essence

Bangladeshi translations are very good. Although I haven’t/don’t try translations by many Bangladeshi publishers, but we have a publisher who specialize in translations of classics and they are very, very, good.

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Doing the paperwork and tracking forms for Valencia next week for the festival of Las Fallas.

I certainly wasn’t here…

Friends were talking about a comedian coming to town to finally play the show that got cancelled a while back because of covid. I don’t particularly like him, but my closest friends were going so i said “sure, pick me up 2 tickets.”

Just got the Venmo request for $350. I certainly don’t find that funny.

Anybody read this?

No, but looks like an interesting read.

In other news, my wife spelled out ‘cunt’ in mayonnaise on my tea last night.


As if mayonnaise on tea isn’t enough, did you drink it?


Is it cheating to just put in


As you first four entries almost regardless of what letters are shown to be right?

No that’s a strategy not a cheat But almost definitely means you won’t solve it in less than 5.

I use the same start word which has an e and a, but if I don’t get many letters I’ll often throw in a ‘quoit’ as the 2nd guess.

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Put it on hard mode and you can’t do that.

I switch up words everyday and have no set strategy, makes it more fun that way. 42 completed @ 100%.

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Saw a nuclear weapon convoy before. Probably just a drill, but not a particularly reassuring sight.

As some of you know, I have a rather “explosive” hobby which has become an entertaining business. Currently in Valencia for Las Fallas:

She burns tonight :slight_smile:


Burning kids toys? :wink:

Thats just cruel man