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a beach on Swansea Point in the Shuswap Lake area.

Aww Mick, so pleased for you. I remember your posts when I first joined TIA, you gave us good and funny anecdotes on Ireland and living in the USA, it was an education. I canā€™t believe you guys are actually going to go and do it now. I thought your In Laws would never let Mrs Ubermick go.

At least you are home. It will take time to re-adjust again to a new place even though it is your home country, alot has changed over the years and at least you can get to visit Anfield and see our fantastic shiny refurbished stadium.

Yeah I hate stereotypes

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No worries, at least you know a German word :wink:


Oh I know several - schnell, schnell!; Das Auto; die Wehrmacht ā€¦ The list goes on. Iā€™m practically fluent.

Yep, youā€™d be perfectly equipped to play any German role in Hollywood.


Oh Iā€™ve sent off tapes, to be sure to be sure but apparently the line in paddy looking, skip sounding Nazis in Hollywood movies is quite niche. What should have been!

Try shouting Scheisskopf in the harshest way possible, with conviction. Itā€™s not actually German, but Americans are convinced it is.

Ok thanks, will try again. Do you think I should ditch the prince harry inspired SS uniform now he seems to be on the nose in Hollywood? Should I break free of this war bad-guy-loser stereotype and change it up with a dour faced robotic voiced guy with shite sense of humour (I think I could really nail that). Would that be a bit too experimental perhaps or are modern Germans more like that now?

Nah, itā€™s spot on

Thanks! When I land a big role Iā€™ll be sure to mention all you little people on here then totally blank you on twitter

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Pittsburgh is an interesting city. Itā€™s one of those where the perception of it from those who lived there is very different from those who dont. Early in my career I was part of a scientific group that had it roots at the Pitt Med School and every single one of those people involved still view it as the favourite city theyā€™ve ever lived. My boss at the time was Greek and he still claims the areas around the University have some of the best Greek food heā€™s ever had.

I think itā€™s one where some insider knowledge of where to spend your time (almost certainly focused on the part of town around the University) would make a huge difference


On our weekend off once while on exercise in Germany, we visited a little town at the foot of the Brocken in the Hartz mountains. We were having a coffee in a little cafe on the main square when a wedding party came out of the Rathouse (Town Hall). An oompah band immediately struck up ā€˜Colonel Bogeyā€™. We all sat there trying not to laugh out loud. Then a young German waitress walked past our table and said ā€˜Good tuneā€™ and smiled. :nerd_face:

Well yes, most Germans would react positively. That tune was played all the time in different contexts, even commercials, and the older ones will associate it with Bridge on the River Kwai, which was hugely popular in Germany.


Speaking of Oompah bands, no one in my family is musical at all but this weekend I got sent a video of my 13 year old nephew playing an accordion and he was really good. I have no idea at all where that came from


Although you probably wouldnā€™t be able to tell if he wasnā€™t good, sooā€¦

The dad of one of my best friends escaped communist Czechoslovakia because of his renowned skills on the accordion. We go and see him play every year even still. The beer tastes good at least


I can see that. Iā€™m optimistic, after a little research. It looks surprisingly pretty - at least the downtown area where the Ohio splits - something you canā€™t say about a lot of rust belt towns.

Iā€™m arriving tomorrow. I didnā€™t have particularly high hopes for Cleveland and itā€™s about what I expected. Probably a bad week to be here, to be fair, with the All Star Break (and the shooting early Sunday morn). I took a tour of Progressive this morn and itā€™s a really nice ballpark. Definitely seems like a sport first kind of town. Thereā€™s not much else going on.

17th July.
You heard it here first :wink:

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