What's happening?

Yeah, really violent, but only lasted 20 mins or so.
Plenty of sirens now.

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Please send some of the rains our way :pleading_face:, three weeks without rain.

I understand that you hold me in high regard Ifti, it’s understandable, but even my powers don’t extend to sending weather systems across continents.
However, rest assured, if I could, I would :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s the thought that counts :blush:

I remember working in the Congo several years ago.
One night I cursed yet another downpour.
One of the locals who worked for me put things into perspective, “Rain good boss, crops grow”.
Made me think differently that’s for sure.


It’s been raining in West Bengal. I think you’ll get your wish tomorrow or day after.

we’re getting our first rainfall of the month today. definitely going fishing after work.

Off on holiday tomorrow to Gran Canaria to get some sun :sunny:


We’re on fire

Any word on how these fires start? Is it human origin?

Not sure in this case, but a shard of broken glass can be a big culprit…
Acts like a magnifying glass concentrating heat from the sun onto same spot - then combustion will occur

I was wondering if in Canada’s case, the big oil sand plants might play a role.

Lightning strikes. One of the big ones started from a burst hydraulic line on a big machine, hot oil started the fire. One a few years ago was from a tree falling on a power line, a spark fell onto the ground. The big Lytton fire was from a train, sparks from the wheels. Big lawsuit


Greco-Phoenician Stoic philosopher Chrysippus died laughing at his own joke.

Läertius recalled that, whilst watching a donkey eat figs, Chrysippus exclaimed, “Now give him some fresh wine to wash it down with!”, and died in the subsequent fit of laughter.

As an unemployed man, I’ve taken to feeding the sparrows and squirrels outside my window, contrary to the wishes of my wife, my neighbours and possibly the State of New York (?). I’ve even trained the squirrels to come when I whistle The Final Countdown.

Anyway, when I cracked old Chrysippus’ joke and suggested we give the squirrels some wine to wash down the seeds, my wife just said, “If you want to open another bottle, just fucking do it!”, and stormed out the room.

Need a job tbh.


Vast majority of wild fires are human origin afaik. Anything from cigarettes to campfires or electric equipment. Sometimes arson.


There was a huge moor fire in Emsland last year which was down to live artillery fire. However you need the combination of prolonged dry weather with an initial spark. Naturally this will usually be lightning.

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There are signs all over the dangerous areas in the States with Smokey the bear telling you what no to do. Unless I’m mistaken though, most wildfires are caused by lightening? The massive one in Yellowstone was natural and that turned half the place into a film-set apocalypse.

not a good situation. spend about 15y vacationing here every summer.

Not afaik. Depending on the region it’s something like 80-95 % human idiocy.

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Wildfires are a natural feature. In fact some ecosystems rely on them. However it does require the local climate to cooperate to get them going.

We used to get them fairly frequently in Scotland and I would suspect that most were man-made. It rains all year round so large scale fires would be unusual. Lighting is far less frequent - particularly without severe downpours to accompany them. Additionally, it has suffered from severe deforestation, both from deliberate change of land use and by the extinction of most large predators. Foxes and wildcats are unlikely to take out a red deer.