What's happening?

It seems quite nice, although difficult to tell through the sheets of rain and howling gale.

Well, we just had to do one of those things that pet owners come to eventually, and had to put our dog to sleep. We have three dogs, a younger Bernedoodle and Labradoodle, and an old Jack Russell Terrier, named Daisy.

Daisy was 15 and we had to put her down today. Too many health issues, and at this point the quality of life was not there, and she was getting to the place where she was starting to suffer.

If you will indulge me, when we moved to the States, 15 years ago, our kids were aged 5 and 2. We bought a house here and I went to the storage unit to get some of our belongings, to start putting things in the empty house we just bought. My wife said she would meet me at the house with the kids.

We arrived at the same time, only they arrived with a brand new puppy they bought. They said, ā€œNew country, new house, might as well get a new dog too!ā€

That dog loved our kids, and I have fond memories of it being pushed around by my very young daughter, in a stroller, sitting alongside her dolls. The dog lived a great life, doted on the kids as they all grew up together, and it chased rabbits and all sorts of smaller wildlife around the place.

Our kids, now aged 20 and 17, wanted to come with, when we had the dog put to sleep. They took us to a room, put an IV in the dog, and then we said our goodbyes, teary eyed, as the vet sedated her, then injected another drug that stopped her little heartbeat just a few seconds later.

All very peaceful.

A sad day, but Iā€™m thankful at the same time, for so many happy memories with the dog.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear mate. Thatā€™s a family member.


So sad to hear this. You have good memories of her which will keep you going.
RIP Daisy.


Spent yesterday on the beach in sunny Abersoch. Walked past a family that had a very obviously expensive game with wooden towers and balls and hoops. Towers were placed in hoops and the players had to throw the balls to either knock the towers over or land the closest. After lunch, a few ciders and some construction using sand, stones and nothing else, Iā€™d replicated the game. Played it for hours. Brilliant what you can do with a little nous on a beach :slight_smile: Ended up with a centre big tower of stones, first player to knock it down wins or if itā€™s still standing, closest stone. 5 stones each, choose your own. Tip, pick big ones!

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Condolences to you and your family. We had to go through that shit recently with our cat who was taken prematurely by cancer. It was heartbreaking for all of us , especially my daughter who is eleven. She was absolutely distraught , Iā€™ve never witnessed an outpouring of grief like that before.


Thatā€™s why you buy kids balloons, ice cream and pets.

This is important, you must hold onto it.
This was expensive, you must not drop it.
This will touch your heart so much and you will learn to deal with the big griefs in life through it.

Deep stuff.

On a lighter note, kids should also have to work on a farm about aged 9-10. Thatā€™s the facts of life and death sorted pretty quickly.

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Sorry to read this, mate. A dog (like a cat) is a full part of the family, and itā€™s hard to see them go.

I had this a couple of years ago with our old tomcat. He came into our household when the children were still very young. For them, it felt as if he had been around forever. We all loved him very much, he was a great company for us all, while still living his own life when getting out at night and living his cat life. He got an illness which couldnā€™t be cured adequately, and started to suffer very much. So, we decided to put him down as well. I wonā€™t lie, I cried when he got the needle and felt how he was slowly going away.

But just like for your dog, he had a good life and there wasnā€™t any regret, only thankfulness for a good time passed together.


When on holiday, we play games. All kinds of games, great fun. We have one which is you have Ā£5 to buy the worst present possible. Receipts must be shown, this isnā€™t Topgear.

So, this week in sunny Abersoch, the other two in our trio hunted round the shops whilst I got creative. Jumped into the car and drove to the boat shop for a broken oar or propeller or something. Having bought the below for Ā£2, bought 2 coat hangers for Ā£1 and then a tube of superglue and a permanent marker for Ā£1 each. Ā£5. Well, here goesā€¦ā€¦.

Sorry for your loss.
Absolutely dreading the day we have to do the same.
Our wee dog is 11 now, so in the later stages of life :cry:


My mother passed away yesterday (August 23) morning. The last few years were specially hard for her, hard beyond our comprehension because she couldnā€™t even speak (or think) coherently due to dementia. Her entire life, and it was a pretty long one, was of struggles, sufferings, defiance, and determination. Finally, she is at peace.


Condolences for your loss.

Very sorry to hear about your loss.

It sounds as if sheā€™s now in a better place at least.

All the best to you and your family.

Sorry Iftikhar, sorry for your loss. We all know that all of us will leave one day but it does not lessen the pain when one of our loved ones do. Hope you take time to grief and remember all the good times you had with your Mum. Take care!

Sorry to hear that, Ifti. Sounds like she was a special character.

My condolences to you and all your family.

Sorry to read that @Iftikhar - Carry her memories wherever you go

Heartfelt condolences mate.

I hope she finds peace nowā€¦ My sincere condolences, mate.

Sorry to hear the news Ifti. Thinking of you today, and may she rest in peace.

Condolences Mate. Thinking of you. :heart::nerd_face: