Which CF do you want?

No no no no no

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This is entirely on Origi to figure out for himself. All the stories of him are of a wonderful dude but with his head in the clouds. It’s not a terrible thing if the player has a switch they can turn on when he puts his boots on, but Origi hasnt found it. And if Klopp cant help him find it what coach is going to?

I almost hope for Origi’s sake he doesnt get to be 30 and all of a sudden finds it because that would be heart breaking to then look back at what was the best part of 10 years wasted. It would almost be better for him to go through his whole career not hitting the heights as at least then he could tell himself he just wasn’t good enough. That is a lot easier to come to terms with than having to live with the knowledge you were good enough, you just didnt do what was necessary to produce it.


Gotta say, I thought AOC was looking pretty sharp in the pre-season videos I’ve seen. Really hope us not rushing him back will pay off for both club and player.

Being the guy who plays out of position in pre-season because you don’t have the numbers to fill that role until the other guys come back from their holidays is not a situation that speaks of a manager’s confidence in you.

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He reminds me a bit of Heskey in this regard. Heskey was a beast of a player. He could have been a Drogba, Lukaku, Vieri but for whatever reason he struggled to flip the switch that would turn him from mild tempered, happy to be the support act, into the ruthless guy wanting to grab the game by the scruff of the neck, which was needed.


Oh man on the occasions when he did that guy was unstoppable.


Maybe he sees how we play and he knows tactically we arent setup to play to his strengths and he has players infront of him who most definitely are flourishing in that system so he’s never going to be the main man.

Put him in a different system that plays to his strength where he is the focal point and maybe he rises to the occasion, embracing the greater responsibility.

I do say maybe, not everyone has the burning desire to be the worlds best at what they do. He may be content to be a role player knowing its the limit of his ability . Still being paid exceptional money living a very comfortable life. On the training track with the boys etc

Can think of worse outcomes in life.

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If West Ham don’t re-sign Lingard, I could see them have a look at Ox as replacement. Maybe not this summer, maybe when they see more of Ox in a more advanced role. Let him off the leash in similar fashion in that #10/second striker role.

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There’s been talk of that this summer actually. Can’t remember if any of the sources were even good enough to be considered unreliable.