Women's Football: General Discussions

All the more satisfying because they are doing the same to women’s football as they have done to men’s just on a ratio scale.

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Cringe Reaction GIF

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Pathetic manbabies spoiling it for women again.

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Interesting, CONCACAF has six teams and CONMEBOL has three.

Also, 32 teams :expressionless:

Cricket and woman’s football … Helpppppppppppp :ghost:

No worries, I will keep you updated. You just keep us updated on Jutta Leerdam :blush:

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why would anyone have an issue with watching women’s football.

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Please don’t, I’m bored enough as it is …:sunglasses:

Because it’s terrible. Even Everton would beat the best women’s team in the world.

That’s right: Everton.

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it’s about as terrible as watching Ms Leerdam skate in a circle…

I’ll give the women’s game some credit for their development over the past 10-15 years. those girls can play. comparing them to the Bitter is apples and oranges.


Nobody does, I guess Semmy is missing the point of that topic …:joy::joy:

no buddy, that’s the good part.

Majority of the males on here don’t watch speed skating…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I don’t have an issue with watching it, I just don’t watch it.
Made that mistake at the World Cup/Euros or whatever the fuck it was I was watching.
Absolutely awful levels of skill and technique on display.

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The last Women’s Euros were very entertaining and I expect the WC to be good too, especially in Aus, where they know how to organise this kind of event.
If you only want elite football, go and watch the galacticos at Madrid, but there’s more to football than that in my opinion.


Opinions vary.
I don’t consider Madrid galacticos elite either.
Event organisation has no bearing on skill levels of athletes on display.

Care enough to post several times in a thread on it.


If skill levels alone are the yardstick, you could never enjoy an under 16s game in the local park, and if you can’t see the appeal of that, you don’t truly understand football in my opinion.


saw a cracking quote the otherday regarding womens sports especially ones traditionally dominated by males (I.e not tennis which has a strong history of female involvement)

i cant recall it correctly, but it was basically just pointing out that they know the game has to develop, but why is it people feel the absolute need to quantify the quality of the competition, instead of either discussing the competition itself, or just fucking off and letting the girls crack on with trying thier best… no one goes to a division 4 relegation battle expecting to see a future premierleague player, but try to enjoy the game on its merits…or…alternatively…dont go and dont comment.

people may talk to how much coverage it gets as opposed to its quality… but thats not relevant…its got coverage becuase it represents a hell of a lot of the football population who it is the pinicle of what thier career could be…

again, its alright to draw a natural conclusion about the quality if asked, but this close to a world cup, in a developing game, it feels really base to wade in and state how shite the level is…

i mean, it doesnt take an acute football brain to see it has a long way to go, but why not just let sleeping dogs lie this close to such a massive event for millions of women and children…

my daughter is absolutely all over this and bursting…id hate her to overhear some crusty old prick mumbling about how shite her heroes are and how shite the whole thing is.


Just what I wanted to say, but with more, and better, words.

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