Alexis MAC ALLISTER: 2023/24

Mac is out for a month after getting fouled from behind AND stamped on. But no issue. Yet both he and Jones saw red, with Jones serving a 3 game ban, for tackles that supposedly endangered the safety of an opponent…both of whom were so endangered they somehow came through it and were able to get up and play the rest of the match.

This is when endangering an opponent means “did the things we look for and tell ourselves is important” not what actually causes harm.


It’s actually only 3 more games and it’s via DaveOcKP who seems to have a professional site.

I’ll wait for official confirmation. Also the Burnley game is just guess work it seems. They do however mention it’s improved in recent days so take from it what you will.

We might get an update on them all today anyhow m.

According to that clown hooper it was not even an yellow card offence.

Right now, with a lack of calmness and more quality between the lines, he’d be really helpful from that LCM spot. It was frustrating to see our game in small spaces against Palace and United. Klopp is right in saying that counter-pressing is still our first focus from pre-season, but then it all goes hand in hand with how we keep the ball in the opponent’s half as well. Also in danger zones. Right now, our central strikers and our offensive #8’s apart from Elliott are not in great form. Trent cannot be everywhere. And then it results in some very wild performances on the ball, too erratic, not accurate enough, lack of better chances with the ball on the floor and simply goals.

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No pain anymore according to Ljinders in the press. Can’t see him being out long.

If there is no pain I’d say there was a chance for Burnley at least.

Lijnders confirmed exactly my thoughts a few minutes after my post. That Mac’s calmness can be really helpful when we rush things too much in possession.

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Its why we play him in the 6, where has much more time to dictate the tempo.

Endo is trying his best but the downgrade in possession is huge when playing out from the back.


The work done in training is really paying off now. Shields the ball much better with body position and strength than earlier in the season when he was adjusting to the role. Noticeable that he scans around much more now as well as he makes himself available for the pass.

Played the full game against Chelsea and took a couple of knocks, so remains to be seen if he starts against the Arses.


Not spoken about enough how much of a bargain he was at £35m. Incredible business.


From the Independent

Mac Allister has helped render Liverpool one of the winners of last summer’s transfer market. His £35m price was more typical of Klopp; good for the balance sheet and on the football pitch alike. He had partners who went for over £100m each, in his Brighton teammate Caicedo and his fellow Argentina World Cup winner Enzo Fernandez. Predictably, Chelsea, with their clueless capacity to inflate prices, were the buyers of each.


It was a clause and yeah, it’s a very good price for the player. You can take United par example and immediately think, why on Earth did they go for a Mount and not a MacAllister. Would’ve been a much better fit. So we did well to attract the player, the price was already set by the clause. Hopefully we get the next structure right so we can get back to actually negotiating good deals again (although that’s more difficult once you’re at the top, the standard goes up and the fees also - hopefully that also means we’re still close to the top).

His last two performances were another new level from him I thought. Fantastic in duels and the usual calmness in small spaces, ability to see solutions in his first or first two touches. Brilliant. Will be great for him to pick a few more things from Thiago in the last months he’s here and add to his game.


He’s already world class in my opinion.

Turning into the DM I’ve been imagining since the day he signed. Always maintained that he doesn’t have the intricate, small area creativity that he would need further upfield but could be a devastating weapon when allowed a bit more time and space. He’s always been a diligent player, he just needed time to learn when and how to press from a deep midfield role. I think its obvious he’s mastered that recently.

We are looking at one of the most rounded players in the Premier League now. Doesn’t really have an obvious weakness and in a season that started with him almost universally being labelled as “out of position” or “not a 6”, he may end it as the best one in the league.


The downside to players like this is they tend to have no one thing you point to that he’s outstanding at to explain why he is so highly rated. It can mean if you start watching him with the understanding that people think he’s great it can sometimes be not clearly apparent why. Appreciating players like him can often be a slow burn and I think what we’re starting to see with him now is partly his growth into the team, but just as much lots of fans finally reaching the point of having their ah ha moment.


I think it’s really important to have an Endo type especially when the emphasis is on defence at times and that’s why I think in tandem these two can work well for us.

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He was a man possessed last night, much like the Bournemouth game. Those 2 by far and away his best games for us, wasn’t as keen on him earlier in the season but recently has showed why he carries a World Cup winners medal.

Feared the worst when he went down holding his knee, but got up shrugged it off and carried on bossing it.

Adding fuel to the fire, Jürgen took issue with the idea that Mac Allister is playing out of position.

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A few shit passes aside, but what calmness when most players would go into panic mode. Cool head on him, now I want to see him show even more personality at a big club at the highest level.


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He had some top drawer MOTM games as the #6 when Endo went away (Chelsea & Bournemouth) but it’s games like today which is why I wanted to see him further forward from the beginning.

Really sound lad too, went over to check on Dominquez as he was hobbling off.

v Forest:

• 90’ played
• ⁠1 assist
• ⁠88 touches
• ⁠57/67 passes (85%)
• ⁠6 chances created
• ⁠3/4 long balls
• 8 passes into final third
⁠• ⁠5 recoveries
⁠• ⁠2 interceptions


In fact he was trying to assist him when the Forest medical staff didn’t show up. I was shouting at the TV to get the lad a stretcher.

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