Breaking News Thread

23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine - Russia on the verge of war

that first ferry clip was from last year

Really? Sheesh. Presumably this year was worse?

One of Epstein’s and Randy Andy’s cohorts found hanging in his cell. Wonder who decided to shut him up?

The BBC only references an association with Epstein.

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Probably cause they got a stern ticking off from ma’am about any reference to him being a naughty boy

Yes. She’s been very culpable in the rohingya issues.


Man given genetically modified pig heart dies

I saw this. It wasn’t clear whether his death was due to rejection or complications from his poor health etc.

Worth noting that they have also used pig kidneys as a transplant into a brain dead individual. That appeared to work well for a short time

Sure someone on here will soon start blaming covid vaccinations

Well it was only after I had my covid vaccination that I grew my 3rd testicle, so it stands to reason that it could kill someone with a pig’s heart :rofl:

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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is apparently at Tehran airport and on her way back to the UK.


I heard something mentioned on the radio today that I had no idea may have been a factor. Apparently an international court had ruled that the UK owed Iran a certain amount of money that we had been refusing to pay. It was claimed that this was the main justification given by Iran for holding her. The suggestion is that with UK negotiating teams out in Tehran that the UK must have finally agreed to payment terms and that this has resulted in her release.

If her unlawful detention is because the UK has been refusing to pay Iran what an international court has ordered we should pay then that is an utter disgrace, regardless of what you think of the actions of the Iranian regime.


The debt goes back to the 1970’s apparently. It was over a deal for Chieftain tanks and the sum of £400 million is involved. This then became entangled in all the sanctions imposed on Iran over the years, resulting in a completely innocent women being held hostage for six years.

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