Chelsea vs Liverpool: League Cup Final, Wembley, February 25, Sunday, 15:00

Lol, the banner they have on the pitch have 3 out of 4 injured players on it.

Konate and Diaz would like a word.

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Who? Who’s maligned him?

Just gimme a damn name…

Come on you red men!!!


Good luck redmen


Delighted for Bradley.

Has anyone ever started a cup final in Europe after so few games for that same club? Extraordinary story.


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Alice. Punish her for us.

Their bench is looking pretty grim as well.

Customary booing of the national anthem , lol.

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Was written quickly guys. Apologies

Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?

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Maybe Maria deserves a song on here own, to the tune of Carlos Santana:

Maria Maria
She reminds me of an Anfield Story
When she wouldn’t go to Wembley
Along with our very own Red Jedi
Oh Maria Maria
You’ll lead the TAN celebrations
Red Jedi will scream for you at Wembley
When we win the Carabao Cup
with a goal by Joe Gomez
(Guitar solo)

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Afternoon our little Liverpool world….how are we feeling about our chances?

fiddy fiddy

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Good luck all, see you all later :crossed_fingers:

Yes Virg…
“Lets fucking go for it”…

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I getting embarrassed here :woman_facepalming:t2: :see_no_evil:

Let’s rock Anfield South


Stream anyone?

At least it is not the Sound of Music one, they used to sing this one to make me squrim.

Thanks @TheSweetSilverSong

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