Darwin NUNEZ: 2023/24

In all likelihood Redmen TV will be far more profitable once they are able to overreact to everything. So I imagine we’ll see a turn from them at trying to get the Goldbridge fans watching, if our results aren’t immediately perfect.


As things stand, I’m closer to a “not gonna happen” if we talk about him being a central figure for winning leagues and CL’s.

Willing to see how it develops next season, as things might change collectivelly and he might make also some improvements individually.

Certainly not expecting any massive “clicks”. Things don’t work like that. We’ve been here in the past, hoping that player x would become this or that and it didn’t happen.

He’ll never be class, but I still hope he can make slight improvements in certain areas while he’s here.


For 3 years Coutinho was a magical player on the ball who generated preemptive groans of disappointment when he shaped up to shoot, with the outcome as certain as it is when Gomez’s eyes get big. The forum I was on at the time used to joke that we bought the only Brazilian alive who cannot shoot. And then, seemingly out of no where, he turned into a circus performer who could put the ball in the net from any distance he wanted to with shots that 3 keepers combined wouldn’t have been able to keep out.

It is an extreme case, but when players have the tools sometimes it does indeed just click one day. Lampard was not a goal threat early in his career and attributes advice Ranieri gave him the year before Jose came in with being a light bulb moment for him. That was his 7th full season in professional football and the first in which he would score in double figures, something he would then do every year for the next 10 years. Drogba was more of a pivot play a side played through not a genuine goal threat until he reached an age several years older than Darwin is today.

It can and does happen and I see Darwin as a player who isnt doing things terribly wrong and its just that he’s doing too many of them wrong enough that we’re not getting the outcome he needs. That to me seems like the ingredients for someone who is close to clicking than not.


Coutinho just had a past habit from his futsal days, taking his shots too square on when over the ball and hitting a different kind of ball (almost a different sport). Ended up in a lot of his attempts going low to the left (from his point of view) side off target.

He adjusted it by having a little touch before his shoots towards the right, which resulted in a lot of his best goals going top bins near post or lower far post.

And this is only one aspect in the technical category of a player. With Nunez, it’s a bit deeper than just shooting and finishing.

Drogba even when he wasn’t scoring a lot was a clearly better player than Nunez is now. I’m not even going to get into the how well he led the line, because next season we might have a structure with a #10/second striker. It’s not even worth comparing. Nunez’s natural habitat strengths are different. Drogba had pace, though less pace than Nunez, but was different. It’s even more “against” Nunez as he’s facing the goal more.

Certain improvements in different aspects? Together with certain collective changes (and who knows if for the better)? Maybe. A sudden general click? Personally not expecting anything like that.


That’s what makes it worse he looked up and his assessment was to blast it when a quality finisher places it in to the gap in the far corner.

Really love the guy but he’s simply not clinical enough. Works his ass off, but when you need someone to put away hard worked chances then he’s not your man. I wish he was and maybe he can develop, but I’m not holding my breath.

If I’m being honest, I struggle to remember many top class players who endured prolonged struggles in the beginning of their careers at big clubs and turned things around and became irreplaceable. Maybe Modrić in his first season at Real Madrid and, to an extent, Suarez at Liverpool are two that I can remember at this moment. So, no, I don’t expect Nunez to suddenly start turning those blasts to goalkeeper’s legs into fine finishes on a permanent basis.

I’ve been fearing it for a while, especially with regards to Salah’s age and likely departure this or the following summer. We have very good players but not many excellent ones, and we definitely don’t have any excellent ones in attack when Salah isn’t in form. Jota could be such a player but he’s far too susceptible to injuries. The rest of them are great supporting cast but not great leads.

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hes actually got a lot of traits to make a good full back…(not that you can do that at this level anymore)

dunno if id call it ‘struggle’… but Henry wasnt up to much at juve and if memory serves me correctly (it might not) i think it took him a bit to get going at the arsenal…

he turned out half OK…



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Considering he gets into places to finish there has to be something that can be done to turn that into goals.

Let’s see what slots into plans


Looks like he’s been told he’s being sold, all things Liverpool removed from his instagram. Never saw him looking so miserable on the pitch as today.

You mean apart from his profile picture and the mention of “Liverpool” in his bio?


I’m too old to understand instagram but the grand kids are talking about it.

Always a shame when a moronic section of online fans manage to affect a player in this way. He had comments turned off on his posts for a few weeks and has now deleted all recent Liverpool related posts.

Clearly going through a difficult spell and his confidence is shot, those hit pieces in the media last week likely did nothing to improve his mood.




Twitter and Instagram idiots, he may not be playing his best but he is still one of ours and we support them through the rough times


Arne likes pacey direct runners wide. Nunez can do that.

A refresh might be the thing he needs at the club. Even if Klopp was staying id not be anywhere near looking to offload him yet.


It is a shame that we don’t have the TIA archive, so we can haul out all the posts that said things like ‘Suarez can’t finish, we need to sell, not of the required standard’ in 2012 when he only scored 11 but hit the woodwork some ridiculous number (14? of the club’s 29 that season?)


It is disrespectful to compare Nunez to one of the greatest strikers of the this century.Nunez is not going to magically become a world beater. Next season it will be the same story. He will score few goals in the league,miss tons of chances and people will keep talking about unlocking his mythical potential.

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