Darwin NUNEZ: 2023/24

Suarez was older than Nunez before he became that striker, he was a year older than Nunez is now when he first arrived. He was absurdly wasteful at first, even his second season was not great in that regard. The point is not that Nunez is magically going to develop along that path, it is that you have no idea what path he will develop on when you say ‘next season it will be the same story’.

It is not disrespectful to remember where a player came from.

edit: was just looking at Luis’ stats, hitting the woodwork once every 4 games when he first arrived. Got it down to once every 5 the next year. I somehow thought he improved, but he really didn’t, still was hitting the woodwork in that range even in 13/14, but was scoring far more so we didn’t care as much.


His finishing is so shite, and his passing so terrible, that he’s only averaging a goal contribution every 96.5 minutes across all competitions this season.



It’s a fucking joke. yet again. social media imbeciles giving it large. The owners, Klopp, Salah, VVD, Nunez, Hendo, Diaz. The list goes on and on.

These cunts do not represent my views as a Liverpool supporter. Sad lonely arseholes who contain more shit than the local sewerage network.


Daily Fail and other esteemed editions, such as the s*n and talkshite have decided that the deletion of Liverpool photos was newsworthy:

Maybe their “journalists” read TAN?

In which case, FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS.


Under Klopp, we mainly played with wide forwards, more on the inside.

Slot seems to prefer dribblers and from more wider areas (closer to where Pep wants his wingers to start attacks). We’ll see, but no, I don’t think Nunez will be a serious candidate to play on the wings.

Nunez might get one more season, unless there’s a chain of happenings in the market and there comes an offer to consider.

Also, he should learn to ignore the comments sections, private messages and what not. You get professional help for that by the club and people who manage your career.


Somewhere there is irony. .

People hitting ‘post’ to complain that player hits post, misses chances and doesn’t contribute well enough.

One day AI will intervene and refuse to allow them to post. AI will then force them to take a self awareness assessment before they can post again.



There’s a lot to like. And there are legitimate concerns over his finishing too, and good reds, fair minded reds, are allowed to say that. (Unfair gobshites should be ignored).

My take is he will get another season under the new manager, and perhaps, given the pace at which Slot likes to get it forward, it might suit Darwin down to a tee. He might also mature a little, and find a bit more composure as he does.

I saw one report linking him to Barcelona. I don’t think they have money, and it was probably just gossip, but they tend to be a destination for South Americans, even if they have slipped back a bit.

Apart from something unlikely like that happening, I think Nunez stays, and we will all be keen to see how he does under the new manager. Good luck to that fella.


We’ve been spoilt once too many times in the Klopp era that it’s actually brought out the worst in some people. It’s quite spectacular to lose sight over all the good he does on a pitch but they do it anyway.

Before Sadio and Mo arrived no one would’ve believed you if you told them a forward with 18 goals and 13 assists would be labelled as “having a bad season”, yet this is what the clowns on twitter want you to believe.

Well then I very much look forward to the season in which he comes good in.

Say a few prayers before games, believe in God and you’ll score 30 goals a season no problems.


The blatant unwillingness of people to acknowledge all the good things he does just so that they can spout bile.

He snatches at chances. He scored goals a plenty for Benfica. He knows how to put the ball in the net but it is not fucking helpful for people to spout shite and get on his back about missing.

Destroying his confidence is real fuckwittery stuff.

I ll support him whilst he is here and IF he does go at some point then i ll support him in that venture too. Imagine if we had sold Mane or Origi when they had a bad run of games or a ‘bad’ season.

I don’t feel the need to go tell a player i love them when they score or do something magical. People don’t need to do it in the opposite case.

It is fucking weird in both scenarios.


I do think he hasn’t been clinical enough, and he is offside too often.

But I also think sometimes he’s not greedy enough. He’s often looking for Salah when he should shoot.

Anyone crapping on him on social media is a moron.


Even on the offsides, he isn’t doing the Cisse thing of standing 5 yards offside and demanding the ball anyway. He is just going sooner than the midfielders can get the ball away. It’s fine margins with big benefits coming from relatively minor tweaks (more patience, angling his run, quicker recognition from the midfielders). There is probably also a snowball effect where if he can get on a good run he will be less anxious about taking advantage of the space he sees and more willing to wait just a fraction more until the ball is ready


Nunez has the pace and power to get away from the majority of the defenders in the PL. He can literally give the opposing CB a yard or two headstart and still get ahead of the ball which is something he should try. As for the finishing bit, it is all mental and a new coaching team can help clear all that for him.

One think I realised is that our midfielders bar for Macca don’t even try for through balls at all. It’s largely give to trent to boot it to Salah and see how it goes.

This is why sometimes, I’d love social media to be shut down for like a month, have people’s chemicals in their brain level out a bit.

The good thing about a forum is you’ll be immediately called out for abusing players, possibly temporarily or permanently banned. There’s nothing on Facebook, X, or Instagram like it.

I don’t think the Nunez deleting stuff about LFC has anything to do about being told to find a new club. It’d be very strange timing.

Regarding his on pitch stuff, this was from 2 years ago on X before we signed Nunez. Interestingly, a lot of the issues mentioned are still in his game today. I have my reservations whether he’ll resolve them, but if he stays, I’ll feel very confident that Edwards, Hughes, and Slot would’ve looked at things and believe there’s even better to come from him.


If he had taken all his chances he would be averaging a goal roughly every 65 minutes.

Even Haaland doesn’t take all his chances.


You do realise that Nunez has been caught off 32 times this year in the league 43 times over all games.

I know but the main arguments for him is look how well hes done if you bring up his short comings.

Looking at the below stats, he’s getting plenty of shots on target. It appears that they either lack power or placement, or both.