Darwin NUNEZ: 2023/24

Any action against him for protecting his family is waaay over the top.
If he hadn’t,he would have still got plenty of stick.
At this level the organisers should have done a far better job starting with ground selection and crowd control.

Each to their own and who knows what someone would do in the same situation, I do believe that once I was in the mix, protecting my family and getting them to a safe spot would be the 1st thing on my mind rather than attacking and moving away from said family.

The chair thing is, IMO, out of order


And to be fair no issues with that first part when he was in the stands, but when there was security and he was on the field and family secure, to go back to throw a chair lol. Little sympathy from me on that one.

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100%. He’s a fucking moron. Our ‘Dickhead Detector’ must have been on the blink the day he arrived.


Imagine if Darwin publicly supported a fascist government. Like Alisson does.

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He’s emotional, I get that but for me he may have stepped over the line depending on circumstances.

However, if they feared for their children/babies it can be understood partially.

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He’s a lunatic.

Was willing to give him a chance under Slot. Who knows he may turn him into the serious goal scorer we thought we purchased. A little X factor never hurt a team and worth the punt.

Fuck it let me speculate given so many moving parts on this.

Right now Slot and the brains trust are in overdrive and must be considering all possibilities. Welcome Arne.

First assumption a lengthy ban including LFC. Does he get paid, and do we buy another forward. You can guarantee if we don’t, there will be a forward injury crisis. Like the defence a couple of years back. And no chance of selling for a decent fee. Hughes right now may be thinking differently.

Only an International ban. Great outcome for the club and Slot does the rest. Or is he sold? Reduced value so I doubt it. Onwards we go.

And then the Kop reaction. Hero status for me.

But hopefully whatever the outcome it does not derail the start of the season.

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A lot of LFC fans are very quick to leap to his defence, but I’ve also seen suggestion that his family were out and safe when he flew in to the crowd like a lunatic. They certainly were when he went back to throw a chair into the crowd.

I think he is looking at a very, very long ban.


and anger.

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He had four goal attempts too in the first half in that game. Two of them eminently scoreable.

Could rumble on for years yet (anyone see what I did there) - All it would take is a few of those supporters involved, to take legal action against him for injuries sustained - Last thing he needs lurking in the back ground when he is trying to get his form right.

The only saving factor for his behaviour would if family was involved

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I can understand launching himself at idiots threatening his family, but his subsequent actions show that he lost control once again.

That’s the overriding concern with Nunez as a player in general. Bags of talent, not enough composure and maturity. It won’t be long before we start examining options to cut our losses, especially if he gets a ban. His time and chances are close to running out.



I’d give him the benefit of the doubt if it wasn’t for the chair incident. His kids either saw him do that in the moment or they’re going to soon see it on someone’s phone. He’s got a real problem with the ‘red mist’ and for someone who, like it or not, is in a position where he should be a role model, he has fucked up again. If he doesn’t get a domestic ban for this it’s probably only a matter of time before he does I reckon. I can’t see him suddenly growing up enough to avoid it. I like the guy and would love to see him find his shooting boots, but he’s not going to do that if he’s benched for half the season. He’s got professional responsibilities outside of his duty to ‘protect his kids’, (by trying to throw a chair into the middle of a mob?), and gets paid enough to make that worthwhile. If I was Slot I’d be seriously asking myself if I want to start the new role having to deal with his drama, or send a message that I absolutely won’t. If it was me I’d fuck him off I think.


Nunez is a £50m asset to LFC - all it would have taken to write that asset off, was for someone to stretch across with a blade and slash his thigh wide open - so so foolish for getting as involved as he did.
Captain Hindsight suggests, he gets a private security detail to surround his wife next time he plays in what will likely be, a volatile atmosphere -

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its all a bit of a blurred case up until we get to the point that his family is removed and made safe… everything after that is really too hard to justify…

if stadium security was as lapse as what id being suggested, it makes his actions (after) worse…

if the organisation is as bad as it looks, then why would the WAGS sit there all game?, why not remove yourselves?

and where is the uruguayan management in all this mess?

farcical really, and Darwin really not helping himself at all to be honest…

the key to all the downside is the alleged behavior AFTER the family is out.

I think that part is understandable, as until it boils over, it doesn’t have to look unsafe.

you reckon it went from 0-100 in a matter of minutes?

you maybe right…

you know when youre on the train and you see a group of kids milling around the doors who just kinda put you on edge…why wait until it kicks off to move carriages?

Probably a matter of expectations - South American stadium organizers generally know something crazy might kick off, so would never have a team contingent anywhere close to accessible to opposing fans, and probably would have a load of stewards at hand to cut off any routes. The families probably thought leaving a safe area to go into the wider stadium would not be a good idea.

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