Darwin NUNEZ: 2023/24

surely they have thier own security detail? ( the football federation of Uruguay)…or at the minimum a ‘handler’ like Ian Ayre (was it?)

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I wonder why is he always so angry…

Feels to me like he’s the lesser Suarez. At least Suarez has some actual deadly finishing ability that comes with the intense urge to win by all means.

All kf this could have been avoided by just doing the logical thing and cancelling international football.

What a fucking waste of time the COPA and Euros have been. England playing the worst football in the entire competition have made the final. Absolute jokes of tournaments.


You seen Scotland and Hungary?

One of the most miserable posts I have ever seen on here and coming from a sense of entitlement. You may get your kicks from having chosen to support one of the top clubs in the world but many millions of people, even just in this country who support a whole host of lower division and non league sides, get much joy and excitement from following their national sides. Why would you want to deprive them of that? If you don’t like international football, then don’t watch it. Simple solution.


They probably did, around the team area. Uruguay probably did not think to provide stadium security, and evidently the stadium didn’t either - at least not the type needed for this particular event.

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They can do what they want and enjoy what they want. Unfortunately I’m not in charge of anything so it’s not up to me. International tournaments will live, ever expanding, making more and more money for the governing bodies but forever gouging more and more out of player’s fitness, and producing an increasingly poor on field “product”, as a bunch of players fight summer heat and humidity while playing in their 60th+ game of the season and being managed by a bunch of failed club coaches who don’t give a flying fuck about the condition those same players return to their actual employers in.

As for not watching it, I usually don’t. Haven’t seen a single friendly, qualifying game or World Cup for a good number of years. I did unfortunately get the summer itch to see some football; basketball finished, baseball is in mid-season and meaningless for now, so I did try out a few of the group stage games. Thankfully Wimbledon and the Tour de France are on now though :+1:


The quantity of games and the quality of the product is a huge and legitimate concern. The players can only do so much, but the various governing bodies want more and more.

A proper reckoning is long overdue. Everyone needs to get around a table and negotiate to sort this out.

Rambler makes a fair point that many fans enjoy international football. Lots of England fans are from smaller footballing backwaters, but there are also plenty of England fans who follow big clubs too. Liverpool seems fairly unique in having a lot of English fans who do not especially care for their national team.

Beyond that, for lots of the players, international football is very important. Looking at the tears of Luis Diaz as Colombia made the final was quite moving. The embrace between Diaz and Nunez at the end was fantastic. And the reaction of the England players along the way has moved from fear of going home to face the press, to a real expression of joy at sporting achievement.

But the quantity of games is a joke. It is already too much, and more is being added to the schedule. A carefully negotiated settlement is needed, for what the future will look like, or at some point there will be schism.

Well, each sporting regions do deserve their own competitions though. Only in Europe, it is a bit fucked up due to the Nations league stuff…Other regions are pretty all alright in terms of schedule.

As for possible punishment for Nunez, I hope is it light, with an additional suspended component for possible future infractions.

Lessons need to be learned across the board. America has all the resources in the world and could, and should, do a lot better when the 2026 World Cup comes around.

Stadium security? Stewarding? Needs to be better.
Safety of player families? Needs to be better.
Behavior of some players, even in challenging circumstances? Needs to be better. Defending family is understandable, but a prolonged response once the red mist has descended gets harder to defend.

State of the pitches? Needs to be better.
Size of the pitches? Needs to be better.
Price of the tickets? Needs to be better.


This is been massively overshadowed. Right now Nunez is in the headlines for the crowd issues - if that hadn’t happened, all eyes would be on him failing to convert clear chances in the Semi.

Slot needs a chance to see what he can do with Nunez, but if he’s not delivering on the pitch, he won’t be around for too long.

Im struggling to understand this argument of what Slott does with him. Does this mean he has he booked in for a brain transplant because all his is are about composure under pressure you don’t coach that.

Of course you do. It is a massive focus of coaching for strikers, especially at the elite level. The concern is that Klopp is considered one of the better developers of scorers in the game.


Theres not really an arguement (that im making anyway) re what Slot does. Slot will be assessing all the players and making decisions on how to use them to maximise their talent and performances on the pitch.

Nunez is being discussed in the context of him being invovled in madness (again) whilst continuing to under perform. Slots job is to try and calm the madness and make him perform. Slots new to the job so all eyes on what he can make of the squad, including Nunez, who is clearly dividing opinion amongst fans.

What I’ll say in defence of Scotland is some of their players, like Ryan Porteous and Anthony Ralston, are entertaining to watch attempt to play… in the same way it’s entertaining to watch children falling over.


Lets be honest.
International football is of inferior quality.
It impacts on club performance and on fitness of players.
There are too many competitions with too many finalists in these tournaments.
And more to be added.

Support Darwin Nunez.


Just catching up. Darwin throwing a chair into the crowd is the Euros’ fault?

You coach techniques not composure.

He didn’t throw a chair into the crowd.

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