Fabinho (DM) to Al-Ittihad

Not sure why anyone’s moaning about the dog thing, isn’t it let’s keep politics out of it?

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Keep animal welfare out of sport

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I can understand Pitbulls being banned but English Bulldogs :thinking:. Hope Bayern come up with a suitable deal. Maybe exchange of Gravenberch with Fabinho

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We’d probably have to add a few million, and maybe some livestock.

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So for those that have gotten upset and queezy about @Sweeting’s post regarding the dog. How is that any different to the arabic culture of Halal meat?

If you have worked in an abbattior or butcher that does halal you will understand.


I wonder if this is what it feels like to be stuck on the lip of a black hole event horizon?

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I didn’t know what you meant, but after reading, I saw the vast majority (88%) of animals killed for Halal in the UK are stunned first? Whether you stun then put a chook through a mechanical neck cutter or stun then slice the throat I don’t think makes too much difference to the bird in terms of suffering.

I have only been to an abattoir once - for a grade 7 school excursion. Not exactly pretty.

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The UK is one of the few places were the animal has to be stunned first when it comes to halal meat. Most of the world just slit the throat of the animal without much care or process for the welfare of the animal. And it was only in the last 10-12 years that the UK really cracked down on the stunning of animals before slaughter

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And I am accused of going off topic!

Kosher meat is almost always prepared the same way.

Yeah, I’m not going to go nuclear about it, but can we get back on topic please everyone.



I’d imagine its more that for a lot of people football and the forums people use to discuss it, either online or irl, are an escape from the heaviness and reality of day to day life. Having that escape interrupted by people evoking images of decapitation, be it human or otherwise, can probably be a bit jarring. Sometimes people want to be able to switch off, and the main reason any spectator sport is watched is that it enables people to switch off.

Of course any discussion of football involving Saudi Arabia is going to include a discussion on morality, particularly in relation to Western ideals, and the Saudis are going to come up short; as are those who accept their money. The players who accept the money will undeniably seem to be making a tacit agreement with certain aspects of Saudi society, especially given the prevelance of discussion of sportswashing over the past few years. It is not a good look for Fabinho to be comfortable taking blood stained money. Criticisms about his decision, and the wider moral/politcal elements over his decision are well founded. Discussion about it is entirely justified. To criticise his greed, and the indifference he is showing because of it, is understandable.

I don’t think anyone is upset or queasy about the post, nor are they ignorant of the logic behind it, but fuck me it had all the subtly of a brick to the face. We’re around 500 posts into this thread and over 900 into the Hendo thread. People are clearly very comfortable discussing sportswashing, and the wider issues that are to be found in Saudia Arabia. The conversation has gone from genuine critque of Saudi Arabia’s role in modern football, and how their involvement in football is being used to distract from wider issues, to why doesn’t Fabinho just cut his dogs heads of so he can leave. Anyone chosing to dip this thread because of that is making a choice that is entirely understandable.


Liverpool are just waiting for Al Ittihad to send the official documents for the Fabinho transfer, then the deal will be done. Both clubs want to close it in the next few days. -


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Woof woof!


They own frenchies, not pitbulls (also illegal here in the UK) . People are thick. It’s a non-story.

The sooner this is done, the better.

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If we get 40m and invest it in a younger, more mobile alternative, it seems like a decent deal for us. He was good for us but fell off a cliff last season for whatever reason.


even natural erosion beats him for pace?

Could it be they heard that Fabinho wanted two french kiss instead of frenchies before signing and the Saudi club president is just not that kind.

English french kiss or French french kiss (La Bise)? Wouldn’t want to get those two mixed up!