Fabinho (DM) to Al-Ittihad

He was a terrible CB - I don’t blame him because its not his position but he’s not someone you can just drop in and feel comfortable with back there.

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Its obvious they think Fabinho is too slow for their league. :grinning:

Yup, it was an awful experiment even Klopp has said he wouldn’t try again.

Fabinho might be TAA’s cover this year if he stays, that’s about the extent I’d want to see him after this shit show.

Cover at right back or in midfield :wink:

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now dont start that again the jungle book GIF

(Both obviously)

He can’t cover ground. Sometimes, he’s looked like he can’t move at all. How is he supposed to play one of the most physically demanding positions such as RB?

I’d rather have Bradley there to be honest.

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That Mowgli was so funny.

I wonder how the analysis team explains Fabinho’s complete lack of pace last season? They can’t blame that on the rest of the team.

That’s easy. We were playing on a shaggy rug and the vacuum was set to thin carpet. Could barely move. Next season we will just switch him onto the appropriate setting and he’ll be back to his best.

That he’s always been slow

Fabinho had some performances that were dismal last season. I put it down to conditioning/overuse.
He had moments where he couldn’t turn his hips in order to complete a pass out wide. I think he was injured, but we had no choice but to play him.

He got better as the tail end of the season, but still wasn’t back to himself.

I’m afraid that he never gets back.
If he does stay, the only thing they can do is rotate him heavily, or maybe even shift him to CB. He’s got the size, and it may be an opportunity for him to extend his career.

Have we checked the bag? Definitely worth emptying the innards just to be sure. I imagine the Saudis have methods?

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That or his dogs were holding him back.


Never seen a player be so bad but so many excuses to try and cover for it.

His dogs were barking and keeping him awake, he had a kid and it was crying, his wife kept shouting racial slurs out the bedroom window at 3am, he saw an owl and it scared him, he stepped on a lego, he spent all night hanging Rebeca’s swastika flags in the baby room, it was literally every other players fault and they should all be covering him all the time… etc.

Basically any possible reason other than him being shit was responsible for him being shit.


Imagine from mid season, Fabinho finished this season with 36 league appearances. His drop off, which has been stark, is very easily explained. He was run into the ground.

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I always had the feeling he was rotated more than our other midfield options…

Two points really, I’d expect our CM to play around 30-35 games a season.

Secondary apparently it’s all about legs thus the energy he is using is far less than some of our other CM playing less.

As Sweeting said there seems to be multiple reasons not offered to others, he looked potentially league 2 at times but he has looked like he was coasting for the most part of two seasons with whatever that was for about 2 months after the World Cup maybe his form picked up with the rest of them or maybe we didn’t notice as much.

Great servant but at this point I don’t expect him to improve, he is supposed to be at his peak currently but his peak seemed to be two seasons back


Fabinho hasn’t been run into the ground, there are plenty of midfielders who have more time played and can still perform, particularly when you factor in international football.

Fabinho’s distance covered stats will also be one of the lowest in the side, and it’s not like he’s known for his gut busting sprints either. If he’s fatigued it’s because of piss poor conditioning.

Sweeting is right, the amount of excuses made for him is hilarious. He’s shite.