Jordan Henderson (CM) to Al-Ettifaq

with all these stupid prices, diaz (37 million rising to 49), mac (35 million) and gakpo (35 million) look like major steals…


It’s genuinely an important role as there is only so much a manager can do. But every player outlives their usefulness in role. I rated Hendo higher than most, but all good things come to their end. This is not the way I imagined it ending, but after last season I am not surprised that the clean sweep has been been as extensive as it is looking like being.


Yeah, but crediting Henderson (and Milner) almost exclusively for setting the standard is plain wrong.

It wouldn’t have mattered what they did or how much they shout at people in training if we’d have signed the lazy arses United like to hoover up instead of players like Mane, Salah and Robertson.

The culture was created by the whole group, not just one or two players.


If he had gone to Spain or to a middle of table prem team for 12 rising to whatever, I’d be happy enough with the deal. His legs are gone a bit and we need freshening up.

Leaves a sour note he’s going to Saudi for a huge paycheck, etc, which may be hypocrisy on my part as I’d be happy with it if he was going anywhere else.

Best of luck to him, i hope the money is worth it. Was great Liverpool captain and role model while he was here.

Side note: D. King seems to think there is a chance he turns it down, would be quite a turn around if he rejected them now.

I saw that, and that doesn’t make sense to me. Liverpool would never had entered negotiations with Al-Ettifaq if Hendo didn’t give them the green light.


They were major steals at the time too, like you said earlier better to look around outside the Prem when you see crazy figures like 70-80m being brandished for players with 1 good season under their belt in this league unless there’s another MacAllister about with a release clause that would represent great value.


Not that surprising, blinded by money initially, but a bit more time has passed, he’s been reading internet, had a rethink…

Obviously still expecting him to go, but you could see a roadmap to him staying. At this point, I’d rather have him just go.

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Whatever happens get it done.

And so we can proceed with our season, and if anyone else comes wagging tell them to do one.

I can’t see anyone being particularly tempted bar Mo, and I still think he has ambition and probably knows even in a year or two the option is still there.

I think he is keen on moving up that Liverpool GS chart, like Kane but actually wants to win stuff too.

The team and club ethos are definitely not just the work of one player. It is in tandem from the owners to Klopp to the coaching team to the management team to the players. So the one extreme view that only Henderson matters is wrong. But it is also wrong to try to downplay the importance of Henderson (and Milner) in the club. These 2 guys commanded and earned the respect of way bigger and more famous and better players in the squad. Yes we recruited based on famous “no assholes” policy, but it is no also luck or coincidence that almost every single player came in and accepted the leadership of these 2 senior players. How many times in other clubs have we seen one egomaniac and disrespected the Captain? Plenty. But in Liverpool, we hardly see any of that. Its the credit to the whole squad as much as how much Hendo and Milner brought to the table. They bring qualities and displayed qualities beyond the field that not many modern players can claim to have: humility and dedication to the craft beyond the field and training field. And in this era of football where money comes so easily to young players, such examples of keeping discipline is important.

Of course we are now disappointed with his choices of club (if this goes through of course) but like with Fabinho, its a matter of seriously what perspective you choose to have. Maybe his legacy will have changed. Maybe his status in our eyes will have dimmed. But what he has achieved and what he has done, what Hendo has shown as someone who is doomed to failure to the Captain who won everything there is to win in club football, a real inspiration for the everyday working class people, who might think they are just an ordinary bloke and went on to achieve all his dreams, Hendo will forever be that. If now he wishes to go to SA for financial reasons, I will think that he does not have to but I will respect his choices and just remember all the great things he has achieved with this club.


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Can’t believe dominc king saying that Henderson has to still make up his mind.

It’s more like he’s reading drafts publicized by his PR team on how to make a statement to justify his move.

Sorry to see Hendo go,if that is what it seems,but as with others,we move on.
Sorting out the midfield is an ongoing job,with Hendo and Fab going,even though their best days are behind them,has just got a bit harder.

Rossiter you mean :wink:

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To totally rephrase Linda Lee on Bruce, Many people go on about the way he’s leaving. I prefer to remember more the way he served.

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Because the club doesn’t always have some trump card up its sleeve.
This time last year I was deeply concerned about our lack of quality fit midfielders. My concerns were met with quite condescending replies about how Keita and Ox would come through and make a difference. Similarly, that season we ended up with Phillips and Williams at CB, I was worried that three centre backs weren’t enough. Again, I was told to trust the club.
Often, they have a solution lined up, and it may be the case this time, but we can only go on what we see, and it doesn’t look good right now.


He is 33, half of you wanted him gone and now that he is going you are moaning about him leaving. Good luck Hendo.


Good luck to him. Most successful captain in the Premier League Era. A Legend…


Hope he goes. Standard has fallen off a cliff last season and it’s becoming a distraction, would like to see him gone or sent home before Mondays game

This is my view also - focus should be on our teams needs.

He’s been an excellent servant for Liverpool - he’s put everything in to it, but clearly he doesn’t have the legs to do it at the high levels required anymore and he would likely have had to take on the Milner role if staying.

Putting aside the Saudi stuff and where he goes (fuck me I’m bored of reading about it all now) it’s not a hugely damaging move for the team. As others keep pointing out, there are still plenty of experienced heads and leaders in the team.

It’s an exciting time - we were rubbish in midfield last year and all wanted new names.

Good luck Hendo - thanks etc etc.


Absolutely and well said. He deserves our blessing for what he achieved.

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Cant help but feel that our summer business was done and no more woulve been coming in…but Hendo and Fab have thrown us a curve ball we wasnt expecting.
Reason why I say that is why isnt the 3rd new signing here already? Are we that skint we need to see the Fab and Hendo funds in our bank account before we buy anyone else?
Just find it odd that pre-season has been going nearly 2 weeks and we dont have a 3rd in before Fab and Hendo have officially gone. If we had the funds why let them miss the most crucial part of pre-season?