Jordan Henderson (CM) to Al-Ettifaq

I don’t know what other options he might have had, but yes, one of those options would have been staying and fighting for a place. Being the experienced player when we’re playing early cup matches etc.

It’s still a choice.

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…to you. To him it’s acceptable. And it’s his career and livelihood, it’s not his job to please us once he decides to leave Liverpool fc. He’s more than done his bit for the club

Mate, he’s worth over £20m. If that’s not enough to see him through his natural life he’s doing something wrong.


It’s his choice to move there and my choice to think he’s a hypocritical piece of shit for doing so.



Fighting for a place?

Some couldn’t wait to get rid of him last season. Many have wanted him out for years! Pretty sure he isn’t getting any younger. What motivation would he have to fight for a place when he’s 33 and has won the lot as captain?


I’m not questioning the outcome of his choice. I’m saying your comment that he had ‘no choice’ is bullshit.

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Because he’s a professional footballer…whatever motivated him to stay when Rodgers wanted to send him to Fulham.

It’s not for me to guess his motivation. I simply was saying he still had a choice to stay.


Fowler was worth way more with his investments and then lost a lot of it through bad deals. It happens to the shrewdest. 20 million is on face value, what about costs. Easy for you to pontificate when you don’t know the ins and outs of his life.

When he was a young buck trying to establish himself in one of the biggest clubs in the world…and had won nothing yet

Then don’t make bad deals. Stick it in the bank, buy a house and go on holiday a few times a year.


I don’t judge Hendo on earning multi millions ir extending his career.
More luck to him.

I do think moving to Saudi tarnishes, maybe obliterates all the decency and morals he has portrayed throughout his career.
Its 100% his choice of course and its up to him how he addresses the matter.

I hope that leaving or staying that the saga for him and Fabinho finishes by tomorrow. This is starting to look really silly at this stage.


That’s a fair point

Wonder if he will be visiting local hospitals like they did at Alder Hey …

Here’s Jordan visiting kids at the local hospital who have had their arms chopped off for stealing.

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Again, I’m not begrudging him his earning opportunity. Simply saying there’s always a choice.

If I had the opportunity to earn that much in Saudi, I’d do it. If I was already a multi-millionaire then I wouldn’t.

Henderson can choose whatever he wants to do, but he always had a choice.

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It’s not called Chop Chop Square because of the quality of the meat in the restaurants.

Has he gone yet? It’s an easy decision, stay or go. Either way, Klopp’s got a new season to prepare for.

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In the meantime it feels a bit like tearing off a plaster very slowly. It’s annoying and only makes things worse, I’ll be glad when he’s finally gone and it’s over. While I respect everything he has done for the club, this departure leaves a bitter taste.


Fair. I don’t begrudge him or his moving for money. But to previously set himself previously as an ally of the LGBT community and to then do an effective slap in their face by choosing to go to Saudi Arabia where people can be hanged for being gay for merely money just shows his hypocrisy. And people are fair to think of him as being a hypocrite. This tarnishes his legacy bigtime. Same goes for Stevie but then I’m guilty of hoping much more from Jordan than from Gerrard.


Even if he doesn’t move to SA , I don’t see him being kept on as a Captain. He’s shown he’s willing to be following money over principles. That doesn’t make him captaincy material. I would go on a limb and say that he should be shipped out as well.

But the move to SA is happening.

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Reading between the lines, Klopp’s majorly disappointed with Henderson doing this move. You can see his body language during that interview (will try and post the link)