Jordan Henderson (CM) to Al-Ettifaq

No sure this scans. Generally the financially ‘shrewdest’ don’t get labelled as such if they lose the majority of their wealtrh through bad deals.

Well he was held up as the prime example of what to do with your earnings post-playing career.

Mathieu flamini says hi :grimacing:

I mean what an investment he made!!!

Who by? I thought you were the first just now to mention him in this conversation to argue how Hendo had ‘no choice’ but to take the Saudi deal?

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Huh? I’ve heard many many times how Robbie buying up prime real estate and renting them out was the soundest thing to do

Hmm apparently his personal wealth isn’t that much but clearly he’s a smart guy who has a big career post football

Yeah saw that but…Forbes puts him at £10 billion…surprised to see ex Chelsea player bolkiar ranked no 1 at £16 billion of richest former footballers …due to being the nephew of the sultan of Brunei

Isn’t Braithwaite loaded due to his business deals too?

You’re right, he did have a choice. A bit facetious of me to say that he didn’t.

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Whether or not it is the soundest thing to do is dependent on circumstances. What Fowler is comfortable in doing may not be for everyone - and from what I remember he didn’t lose money through bad investments, it was stolen from him by someone who was working for him - and he is still worth £30m+ so I’m not actually sure how this fits into your argument - surely a better example would be to list the players who had declared bankruptcy within 5 years of retiring from football as an example but just because someone stops playing football at 34 or 35 doesn’t mean they can’t do other work after it?


That totally fair. What I was trying to say is that even if you look after your football earnings well, shit can happen, like your business partner screwing you over. So, if you have the opportunity to make the money while playing then probably best to do it now.

And @deneb is right, he had a choice and he made it to leave LFC.

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Tbf, I wouldn’t expect an estate agent to have a drastically different opinion (publicly)

As regards, why it’s dragging on. I would presume that LFC trying to get as much cash up front as possible before the deal is finalized.

My take on this is because we don’t want to be lumbered with 10 midfielders, if outgoing deals fall through. The wages and the minutes wouldn’t work. And as we’ve seen, the Saudis are not running the most professional operation. So, signed paperwork for Hendo and Fab, funds transferred, and then I expect quick action on more incoming players.

I’m sure we have new signing/s well down the line, ready to pull the trigger. We won’t be sitting around, if new money comes in, wondering what to do with it.


It usually depends what agent you go with, if an agent is good then you’ll probably be set up for life. Let’s face it there are plenty of companies that are no brained as is housing really.

It’s the bad agents who have mates in other fields of dubious companies that will lead to issues.

As for Liverpool buying Klopp even said he would like to do deals early but stated some would potentially arrive later because that’s how it works.


Where’s the Saudi money, John?

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What this looks like to me is a player told he has a role, but a much limited one to what he is used to and that if the right offer came in and he wanted to take it we’d consider it. We’ve now got both parties trying to see if the deal being proposed is sufficiently worth it to them - both open to it but neither jumping at it.

The narrative has been set around the initial reporting (focusing on Hendo accepting the offer and interpreted as him them trying to force a move), but that doesnt necessarily, or even likely, represent reality


I’ve heard conflicting reports on whether the salary is 350k PW or 700k.

If it’s the former , it might be Henderson took it to the board to say I’ve got this on the table and I expect to get a raise only to be told he’s only playing a bit part role and the club don’t want to spend the salary structure.

I love Klopp. not even a subtle dig at the journo’s, that’s awesome.

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