Jordan Henderson (CM) to Al-Ettifaq

Both clubs doing cringe videos in the meanwhile. LFC should hire Gasband for this.

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Come on, chop chop, get a move on!

On second thoughts, chop chop might not be the best expression :flushed:

I’ve read the delay is due to elections at the club or something like that. I will have a look again but tbh, i am not really interested anymore.

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Second part is a written test in Arabic


Looks like some kind of animal print/camouflage top…

They can’t afford him plus i’m in negotiations to become his manager…

That’s us all fucked then!

Has Fab completed the twenty-fifth part of his medical yet?

They are still trying to get him up to running speed

Apparently he abandoned it halfway through the 24th part after seeing the backlash he was receiving on TAN. Now set to sign for Bayern and complete his medical by midnight (BST)

of August 31 :thinking:

he had to do 10 k on the bike - don’t worry, he’ll get there. Mind he still has to do the 5 k on the treadmill and get to the gurney on the other side for the room to get his physical… so should be good to go sometime near the end of August.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Saudi Sportswashing Pro League

this is as far as it got on my last comment. He was on the sidelines for the first game, if I remember correctly. 9 days and still no medical taken.

Since then, he’s not been seen in training so I’m going to assume that it’s actually happening now. pretty disappointing, I have to say…

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Liverpool and Al Ettifaq have now exchanged documents for Jordan Henderson, who passed his medical. All that’s missing now is the official signature. -



Can’t really celebrate this. Leaving aside the sportswashing stuff, it’s just a sad end to a great career at LFC.
It feels like he fell out with JK at the end somehow. Conjecture, I know, but he should have left like Bobby after all we’ve been through together.


He got a huge offer. If you note the first day of pre-season , he was pretty happy being back at training. This was within days of Stevie getting the job there. He then got his head turned by a huge contract offer.

At that point , There’s nothing what Klopp could do at the moment. Henderson might have been trying to give it a spin saying that he’s only leaving because he wants to play more regular football. That’s BS. If he wants to play regular football , there are plenty of clubs who could punt for him from Spain to Italy.

Hope he finds that this move is worth it , Always a new thing to enjoy a new place (where it never rains compared to where it always rains) , also the tourist attraction of dressing like a sheikh and going around in a sand buggy. Maybe catch an execution or two if he can get some tickets. There’s still the 350k per week contract to tide him over as well.

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I’m still surprised by Hederson, doing all the extra work before pre-season and looked ready for another LFC season, yes he would be playing less but now he chooses to play in a Mickey Mouse league, living, training and playing in 40 degrees heat day in and day out and just for some extra cash.

I always thought he was a level-headed bloke, how wrong I was …

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i would take that money…and im pretty level headed.