Jordan Henderson (CM) to Al-Ettifaq

when he wanted a contract two years ago, him and his agent acted like arseholes so I can’t say i’m too surprised he’s off to take the cash.

I hope if he does leave, we don’t get another 3 part documentary like firmino left. too much bloody sentiment around this football club.

To be honest Im not bothered what anyone does or how they get paid when they leave here. Its not my business.


Considering Henderson will be on track to earn upwards of 100m during his stint. Sounds about right. 40m would be a good price.


Its a 6 parter

And I really hope Mo doesn’t go to Saudi Arabia. All these other players matter jackshit to the Arabs. Mo will be the real target come another couple of years.

Hope he sticks it up to them and sees of his career elsewhere

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I think there is a difference Rambler.

I am totally against this Saudi invasion of football, and this manufacturing of a new product with their leauge.

The whole thing is rotten.

But with Hendo, or Bobby I start thinking about human nature and maybe greed. What would I do? What should the club do if he decides to go?
Take as much as possible for potentially a bit part player anyway?

This summer is warping reality and changing the game. Not in a good way either.


Just a hypothetical question , so footballers who pose and prance about societal issues who then drop everything for Saudi money can be forgiven ?

But if our venture capitalists owners sell up to Saudis they are cunts ?


It’s hard to guage what we’d each do, because none of us live in a world where our existing wage had meant money is essentially meaningless.


If he goes, good riddance.

And I say this with no animosity, we all have different values and ethical standpoints.

If Henderson wants to play in an elephant’s graveyard league then that’s up to him. I still feel he has much to offer us as a senior pro. However, if he goes, we lose our captain, an international midfielder and a homegrown talent. The club needs to be very richly compensated for that as I can’t see that we would get a direct replacement.


Exactly this and with the current economic climate, things aren’t going to improve so if it means retiring comfortably for you and your family then so be it.

200k £ per week isn’t enough to secure his future and his family? What can he do with 700k £ that he can’t do with 200k £? Buy Henry’s yacht or a 737 as a private jet?

I wouldn’t blame Henderson if he wanted to leave in search of more playing time. But going there? After everything he’s done to promote equality? I’d suspect that he is justifying it by not equating the club with the country and the state, which is a valid argument. Still, he knows better. It doesn’t feel right and it doesn’t look right. He would be just the latest footballer who allowed greed to get the best of him. Money is the only appeal for playing at that league, in that society, in that climate.

It’s foolish and naive but with him being a Liverpool player for more than a decade, a captain who has served with distinction and more importantly a prominent figure that has done a lot to promote good causes, I expect better. I hope that he doesn’t become another sell-out.


I really don’t think that we are justifying and decisions regarding Saudi money.
Maybe understanding why such decisions are reached is the biggest current challenge.

As I said above, this summer is changing football.

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What was wrong with how Fowler left?

I don’t want us taking Saudi money. I would hope a player who has appeared as progressive as Henderson would think past the money.


Ah you must love the memories of forumites. Before Moores sold us, half of the old forum was screaming for Mactoum or whatever his name was. Then when H and G come in we bitched about Moores not selling us to an Arabic consortium. Now as recently as 3 months ago on this very forum we had posters telling FSG to fuck off and sell us to Qatar, but now we condemn Henderson. Yes he may turn out to be a screaming hypocrite but it’s his decision, and who would begrudge a player of 12 seasons, one last mega payday. We can be very hypocritical ourselves.


Rumours has it they’re trying to get him in on a free with Hendo agreeing to buy out the last 2 years of his deal, so he’d essentially be paying the club 15m.

Whilst Saudi have endless money they haven’t really gone big on transfer fees, Neves for 45m is the biggest to date I believe following recently by Milenkovic-Savic for 35m & they’re probably what they would’ve gone for had any bigger European club wanted him…they’ve signed Brozovic, Koulibaly + others for relatively modest fees.

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The real downside as an LFC fan… This Saudi club seem to be trying to replicate and fast track the Arab version of LFC, and all its past hard earned standing in the game - What will it be this time, having Hendo doing his famous shuffle before he gets to lift his new shirt above his head, with the infamous lofting of the CL being played on video in the background

Yeah, they’ll probably play YNWA before every match too.

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They’ll probably shift to their jersey colours as well.

Is there a precedence for renaming a club to LFC Arabia ?

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