Losing the midriff "wobble" or the TAN diet/exercise thread

Again , you have a very normal weight for your height… Don’t go for BMI etc and other imprecise forms of measurement.

Losing weight is maths. Amount of Calories burnt w.r.t Amount of Calories consumed. Workouts help you maintain a calorie deficit but the major thing w.r.t is the diet.

If you are really intent on losing weight , I’d suggest an intermittent fasting (16:9 regime) where you basically skip breakfast and then have normal lunch and dinner (within a 9 hr window)

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thank you. what you have said makes me think im concentrating on the wrong thing. I need to find a away to burn those calories off.
Kind of blinded by “argh i’ve gained weight and its made me look podgy” after reading everything you have said. I will take on board and try to find ways that i can exercise rather than be fixated by weight loss. Even if it just walking round the local park area with the kids a few times a week i can see what the positive and negative effects are.

you have been a big help! <3

I feel a Marmite rescue mission coming. Marmite has lots of b12 goodness
Have you had a full check up? Iron deficiency can also make you fatigued. Or are they convinced it’s the B12?

yeah they are convinced as i have some of the rare neurological complications. They checked my blood for everything as i had symptoms affecting all different areas of my body.
i went for an eye test due to blurred vision and when i was asked to read the letters from the board on the wall… i said “what letters” but when i turned to talk to the optician i could see the letters on the board in my peripheral vision. they made me an appointment at the emergency eye clinic.
I developed other symptoms in the following few days which i explained when i went to the hospital. they referred me to EMU who took a blood test - at this point i was fearing the worst - i genuinely thought i was dying and my body was shutting down on me. ive had MRI and Ultrasounds - severly low vitamin b12 can lead to stomach cancer/dementia.

The technical name is pernicious anaemia / folate anemia.

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Only if you put it on bananas

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Best of luck with it. At least your getting the full works as far as investigations go.

I Googled it looking for other food suggestions and this came up which I suspect you’ve already seen. Looks bang on the money.

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Yeah i’ve seen a lot of stuff over the past two years but i will take a look at that in case i have missed anything, cheers! <3
The studies and research are relatively new into this - a lot within the last 8 years and less. I was on holiday last year and got chatting to a couple of golfers at the bar of the hotel. One f them had been treated for it and was describing how it had been for him… and his friend was totally oblivious that it even existed!

so the help i’ve received here is more than appreciated! and if in turn someone reads this thread and sees similarities in themselves- it will encourage them to get tested.

@Sithbare helped me to shift my focus. <3

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India has rates of malnutrition that make the associated vitamin deficiencies a public health issue that needs to be addressed. In the west, issues associated with vitamin deficiency are more typically secondary to other medical issues rather than the cause of those issues, and that makes the treatment of them different.

This is a case as described above. Typically there is some issue in the intestine limiting the absorption of B12. As this isn’t caused by insufficient dietary intake, simply supplementing with additional B12 is not going to work in most cases. Sometimes it can be effective if the cause of the deficiency is in digesting the B12 that is consumed, as supplemental B12 tends not to need the same processing before absorption. But if not, shots are much more effective as they don’t have to go through the intestines to get absorbed.


It’s always the same.

Suggest an approach that artificially restricts the diet in a way that eliminates the source of people’s bad decisions. But then rather than admitting it is just a behavioral shortcut, invent some form of magical physiological properties the diet exploits.


I used to be of the opinion “vitamins? yeah okay whatever”. Over the last two years i have unfortunately had to learn an awful lot! what you say is spot on and the oral treatment i undertake is going to take several years to show any signs of progress - if indeed it is even being accepted by my stomach. The risk is huge and i full accept that the best way would be to have injections. I need t pluck up the courage to have another blood test to see if the treatment is working because if i don’t and its not working then i am a ticking time bomb in essence.

There will always be individuals that try to insist their “diet” is the answer to the weight loss problem. Rather than disparaging a particular dietary choice, it is probably more worthwhile to highlight areas where there is agreement and move on from there.

For instance, almost all dietary recommendations agree that processed foods and sugar should be eliminated or substantially reduced in order to achieve weight loss and better health. That is common ground and is sensible advice.

What an individual chooses to do either side of that is up to them and should be primarily driven by what works for any given individual to promote their own health.

For some, it may be the carnivore diet. For others, it may be going vegan. Others may want to follow a middle ground. Whatever works for you and does not have detrimental effects upon your health and wellbeing is fine.

There is now substantial proof (just look around any high street) that a one diet fits all message is counter-productive. There are so many factors involved in weight loss - it cannot be reduced to a simple mathematical equation of calories in v calories out - that is a piece of the puzzle but certainly not the singular rule to follow. Metabolism, the microbiome, wealth, social environment, hormones, food quality, mental health, lifestyle, genetics, and on and on, all have a significant bearing on any individual’s attempt at losing weight and restoring their body to a healthy balance.

So start by eliminating as far as possible the known foods that damage your health - sugar and processed foods and then see what works for you and your personal preferences. If anyone suggests a magic bullet diet or claims to have solved the problem, simply ignore them.

Good luck.


Stumbled upon an interesting looking for origin of the obesity epidemic starting in the eighties.
They’ve done a series of article, it’s quite long but I found it an interesting read.

They have now gone on a tangent, setting up a crowsourced study of a potato only diet with around 200 participants signing up.

I felt it was compelling enough (for science! And also I could be a bit leaner) to actually get on board and I’m now on my third day of eating potatoes. :smiley:

If anyone is interested to learn more, you can read the Twitter thread following the experiment, and results from the study should be arriving in the next month.

I can also share my experience if anybody is interested.

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I snapped mentally yesterday. At 7am I found myself staring at my gym bag already packed with running gear. I caved and took it to work and then went for a run afterwards.

Lots and lots of stretching beforehand and gladly the hip held up well. I sat in a cold bath when I got home.

A little stiff and sore this morning but nothing too bad. I was really surprised at how weak my left leg has become purely through not using it and compensating . I’ll need to strengthen that back up.

The run was nothing special. Awful in fact, really struggled aerobically. Plus my Vege / vegan diet has been ruined by a starter of midges followed by a main course of bluebottle or whatever other bug I encountered. :nauseated_face:

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The tall fellow from the magicians Penn and Teller followed a potato-only diet and lost a shedload of weight.

I think he has made a few videos talking about it. You can probably find them on YouTube - although I understand that is an unacceptable source for information on here!

Worth a look

How would that diet be healthy? How can that provide all of the necessary nutrients that the body needs?

I havent looked into it in any depth.
Suggest having a look at Penn’s videos.
From memory he did it for an extended time.
There was an individual who did not eat for over a year under medical supervision - so I guess its possible. The long term effects of this diet are, I would guess, unknown.

Moved 4 tonnes of flags yesterday, that’s my gym visit for the week.

did you over order at the lfc store? or did you let @Walshy07 order for you? :rofl:

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Please take this as an observation not a criticism. If you’re conscious of your health and weight, pretty much all of this could be replaced with far more healthy foods.

Potatoes, peeled and chopped in the oven with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Tastier and better for you than frozen chips. Beef burgers fine but make them yourself with 5% mince. Fish fingers, chicken burgers and chicken nuggets, all processed, already fried / coated etc. Buy fresh chicken and a variety of herbs and spices to give variety. Easy in the oven or with a little olive oil in a frying pan. Scampi the same, just use fresh fish. Chicken Jalfrezi, monster food content there, tried a chicken stirfry with loads of fresh veg and the same spice level? Leaving out the rice makes a massive difference, check the calorie count on a portion of rice and that’s before it’s processed. Rump steak, excellent! Rare though, with a juicy red wine :slight_smile: White bread, naan bread and milkshakes, think you know the answer here.

Was the diet changes I made that helped me lose a pile of weight. Having chili (home made) for early lunch here, no rice. Waiting for it to thaw out whilst typing this. There’s no question that your diet takes less time to prepare than cooking from scratch but a love of food and what goes into it is a great thing to get into. Plus the fridge is in the kitchen…. Ah beer, my Achilles heel.


Thank you for the wonderful suggestions. It is appreciated. I will look into changing a few things and seeing which i am able to undertake. I am very wary with regards to preparing fresh food - i can’t see detail without it being magnified to extreme levels so i worry i ll slice my finger off or something! So the food i eat is purely down to simplicity. When i have steak it is done with veg roast potatoes etc… but done by the missus! the thing is i refuse to let her cook my food for me on a regular basis or i ll lose some of my independence.

I do feel like having everything air fried is very unhealthy and it makes me wonder if i am losing even more nutrients this way.

If i can managed to do even the chopped potatoes idea - quite there will be an automated peeler and chopping device out there! then hopefully it will inspire me to do other things you have suggested.

I am fed up of eating the same foods to be totally honest.