Major League Baseball

Yankees seem to have two good pitchers and if they don’t hit homers they don’t hit nothing and frankly they should drop the no scruffiness it’s so outdated.

Also their relief seemed shocking whenever I saw them, though I gave up mid way through the season following them.

Toronto just are a crazy team but always seemed suspect on pitching, it’s been my first season back watching and these are just observations. Sorry I pissed you off @Dutch

Probably too early for the O’s one good thing the new playoff system does hand is the ability for teams to play longer into the season. Probably why the teams with no break are starting to do better.

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Bye bye Dodgers.

Mookie Betts, the player whose exit from the Sox was one of the biggest knocks on FSG from the fans, went 0-11 in this series. Getting paid a fortune to do fuck all - its the Bohley way


is it odd that my AL team is the Red Sox and my NL team are the Dodgers? has been for 30 yrs.

Yeah not one team I’m particularly disappointed to see go.

Shame Houston can’t as well

I’m subsisting on Atlanta tears, at least til Monday.

We lost, again, but we’re the real winners.


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Glad to see Texas up by two.

Arizona fans have gone soft. Cheaper to fly Philly to Phoenix, go to games three, four and five, and fly home than it is to see a game at CBP. There’s $100 ticks behind home plate.

Still, I hope a lot of assholes speculated on their playoff lottery allotment and lost a shitload because the Sneks fans gave up after two games.

and this is the one time of year it’s actually somewhat pleasant to be outside in AZ.

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Your ‘friends’ from Houston have left the building … :sunglasses:

Glad to see to be fair.

Also glad to see final game deciders in both.

I’ll see how tonight plays out before picking my team for the final.

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Rule No.1 when visiting a foreign city - get your sports teams fucking correct

Arizona for me.

that’s absolutely fucking hilarious.


So, with a Rangers-Diamondbacks the most tiresome discussion in all of US sports can begin - people complaining that the final isnt interesting because the wrong teams made it. Teams treated as being small market and uninteresting. Stories about how its bad for baseball that more interesting teams havent made. In this context interesting means team who fans would tune in to watch.

There is just this default attitude in US sports that teams from some cities are worthy of attention and others aren’t, and how good they currently are just does not play into that. The worthy teams are the ones from the North East connected by I95, and LA. The unworthy teams are essentially every one else. This is driven by the people paid to cover sports and they always do it in that dishonest way of saying “oh, I love the Mariners. They have the best middle inning reliever in baseball. But it’s the plebs who dont get what an interesting team they are. So rather than covering them, I’m going to commit all my time to talking about how this uninteresting team doesnt make it and covering an objectively worse side from NY.”

Phoenix and Dallas are both among the biggest cities in the country. Admittedly neither might have strong baseball traditions, but they have huge potential reach. Especially Phoenix whose geographical location is some 400 miles from the next closest MLB city and so has a ST Louis Cardinals like extended catchment area of potential fans. Why not take this opportunity to go all in on positivity on this series? These fuckos telling everyone how the series is a let down are the same people complaining about the long term risk to the game. Yet here they are with a ready made opportunity to celebrate the game and unfancied clubs in two large (and rich) cities where there is big room for growth and they’re more concerned with wondering how the Mets will be a joke next year.

It feels like the NHL understands this concept, at least more so than the other major leagues.

I’ll be watching every game of the WS. Gutted the way the Phils crumbled, but the DBacks deserve to be there.

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I could give a fuck what the pundits and the media say about “who should be in the WS”. players know who can grind out a championship and the teams that are in the WS are there because they have performed over the ~200 games so far this season (inc pre-season).

haters can eat a dick, as far as I’m concerned. big $$$ more often that not will not guarantee you a banner season.