Major League Baseball

Team with one World Series against one with none.

I think that’s generally far more interesting than Houston again.

Terrific start to the series. Probably the best game of the post season so far.

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Well at least we can say we lost to the WS winner … :innocent:

Damp squid once it went to Arizona

Texas were 11-0 on the road in the post season, after going 40-41 in the regular.

I like this Arizona team, though; young, scrappy, aggressive, but maybe they got there a year or two early.

The celebrations were strangely subdued.

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You’re not alone…

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Visited Henry Chadwick’s grave today. I think he was from Devon, so he probably played rounders and talked funny, but he did a lot to push baseball in the New World. He created box scores, K for a strikeout, and apparently he was the first to track batting average and ERA.

He has the four bases around his grave. I thought that was kinda sweet.

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Quite an iconic man in the history of Baseball then.

Of course Baseball goes over with all the ball sports to America.

What we call Baseball today of course is not that but I believe it beats out Cricket* as a sport over there due to the size required means it’s preferred in the down time in the civil war camps.

*Of course the first international game of cricket is played between The US and Canada :wink:

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Not a normal off-season for my Orioles, we got a new

Closer: Craig Kimbrel
No 1 starter: Corbin Burnes
Owner: David Rubenstein, Michael Bloomberg, Cal Ripken jr. and Grant Hall among others.

What is going on … :see_no_evil:

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another rebuild?

I’ve not checked in on my team for a while (Yankees) but I assume they still haven’t got a pitching team.

I watched them in Sept last year against the Jays. Garrett Cole is a stud.

Yeah, I said team.

Cole is great but they are pants in relief and closing and not great in options 3-5.

Anyhow I enjoyed it without a team last year so looking forward to it again.

a lot of teams are struggling with pitching, too much emphasis placed on guys who blaze 100 and can’t pick a corner. velo velo velo. I’d take Maddux all day every day. need different styles of throwers to keep the hitters on edge, otherwise they’ll just sit on the FB all day.

bring back the 6-12 curve and the screwball. 80 mph with two feet of break and a mid-90s fastball that goes both ways. cutter/slider and two seam. That’s all you need. trying to reach 100mph just gets you TJ surgery at 24.

Look at Strasburg at Nationals, he’s retired already. arm blew up, pushed too hard.

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Maybe that’s it, I last was really interested in it in the late 90s/early 00s.

Until the last season or two.

I fade in/out. they go on strike, and I lose interest.

When Montreal had the best team in baseball and the season was killed by strike, that did it for me.

Larry Walker (HOF) Field was my home field for nearly 2 decades.

How are you feeling about Cardiac Kimbrel?


A proven closer, he should do fine for us :+1:

Witchers and snatchers report. I wish all well minded people would come together and work out a way to sink Florida, or just give it to Guatemala as reparation, but I am tempted to fuck off to Clearwater.

Headed down to Clearwater in a few weeks as my in-laws live in Bradenton. Going to go to the Orioles vs Pirates game.

My eldest son dreams of being a catcher, so he’s excited that we will be sat right behind home plate where is up close to it. Hopefully Adley Ruschmann plays.