Mohamed SALAH: 2023/24

And best of luck to him if he does. Hopefully with another PL medal and golden boot in his suitcase


Moā€™s shaved his head - at one with Slot - deffo not going anywhere


My guess is heĀ“s getting a hair transplant cause of reasonsā€¦

Edit, oh dear


Thought Snow Salah was his final form, turns out it was Bald Salah all along. 40+ goal season inbound.

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A very likely scenarioā€¦ and one Iā€™m good with. It would be nice to get 100 million for him and it would be nice to keep him forever but as fit as he is he is inching closer to the end of his career. So one more year to run it back and stabilize the transition to a new manager seems to make a lot of sense all around.

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Sell him now for me. Its a good time to get away with it. Everything else is fckd no one will notice.

I think its a very good time to sell. Part of a refresh under a new coach, heā€™s been wildly out of form and heā€™s got one year left on a deal that pays him way too much.


I definitely agree with this, but Salah himself has to want to move. From his perspective he doesnā€™t have a lot of time left in his ā€˜meaningfulā€™ career, where he can play at the highest level and go for the biggest prizes. He has a guaranteed year left at Liverpool if he chooses to stay, and then he can assess his options.

On a Bosman I suspect those options will open up a bit more, as not many clubs can pay a transfer fee and his wages.

I donā€™t know what leverage we will have to sell him this summer if he would rather wind his deal down. Presumably Hughes or Edwards will get in there if the club would rather sell, but it could get messy.

Arguably we could buy his replacement now, and tell Mo he will be a rotation option, as we get the replacement up to speed. He wonā€™t be happy with that, and might choose to move on, but Iā€™m not sure he deserves that, as he has been a great player for us and hasnā€™t been any trouble whatsoever.

Rather than Saudi money, maybe it will be PSG, but a much more modest transfer fee than we expected from the Saudis, and the wages will be no problem.

Bottom line: if Mo wants to stay for his final year and then leave on a Bosman, I donā€™t know what we can do about that, and if I was advising Mo, thatā€™s exactly what I would tell him to do.


He just need something to brighten up his day


Is it the shirt or the trousers making him look so miserable? Maybe itā€™s both.


Or his yellow graffiti cock.

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Which more or less makes him almost unsellable. Any buyer would have to taken on the ā€˜pays him way too muchā€™ part, which reduces the value. He has one year left, which means 4 playing months before he can a Bosman agreement, and therefore very unlikely to agree to any transfer. There is no remaining question, unless a stupid Saudi offer that interests him comes along.

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He is our leading scorer, despite the addition of Nunez, Diaz, Gakpo. He was leading scorer when we had Firmino and Mane.

He has performed consistently over his time here, and despite a drop in form, AFCON and injury he still is our best goal threat.

Selling him makes no sense unless a quality addition is in his place. Its not Elliot, its not Doak, or any of the above three current forwards.
We are talking a major transfer in to replace his goals. Or keep him and see what Slot does with the position.


I donā€™t think anyone who suggests we see if we can move him on is oblivious to the fact that we would need to be bringing someone else in of similar quality to replace his contribution.


But I think they are a bit oblivious to the fact that this downturn in form really only came after he got injured at AFCON. Prior to that he was still performing at a really high level.

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I really hate that phrase about ā€˜heavy liftingā€™, but it would be appropriate here.


Yes, but adjustments have already been made as to his role in the team and going forwards there is always a risk that next season he doesnā€™t recover to the levels he was showing pre AFCON.

Sure , but we should be expecting more from our main goal threat.

Slot might get him back firing though. I do think heā€™ll stay this season and sign on a Bosman in January to go as a free agent come end of season.

I think it is unlikely we will get someone equal or better than the Mo we have had since he first arrived from Roma - but then the Mo we have now isnā€™t as good as he was before last season either and we may witness him decline further. My point was made though in response to the suggestion that the club may be expecting his contribution be picked up by someone already at the club.

Yeah, I hope we get a right winger in the 22-24 age range who can complement Mo and provide something different down that side. Dont think Doak or Gordon are far enough along in their development yet for that role.

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