New European Super League

On the radio they were saying that there were rumours that DAZN were involved in this. DAZN

You’d have to think that FSG’s FSM and NESN operations would want to be particularly closely associated as well. What sort of links do the other ESL clubs have to media businesses?

But it’s ultimately a competition. The best teams with the best players win. They then become bigger and those that don’t become lesser. This isn’t an equality sports day where everybody gets a medal (and I HATE that concept), it’s a reflection of life. We happen to support a very successful club that’s worth billions and is utterly driven by money. This is capitalism in action. I know that doesn’t sit well with some but the biggest and best tend to get the cream. If it’s happening, I want us at the head of the table.

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This is probably a good time to say it.

Bluemoon, RedCafe, TheShedEnd, FightingCock and The Anfield noise are joining up to form a new super forum.

This new super forum, will have more opportunity to take the piss out of the same group of rival fans and will never grow old.

Don’t worry it’s in your best interests and has nothing to do with what Morgan Stanley have promised to pay me. It’s honestly a win win.


“Lesser clubs” like Man City? Before the money flooded in and the council gifted them a stadium?

could you not get a 6th to join

I’m just saying that we’re awfully full of ourselves for a club the majority of whose success came before football was invented in 1992.


Then we’re lucky to be invited?

Fucking hell, that’s a result. TAN didn’t even exist last season! One season knocking around middle of the football fan forum table and suddenly we’re entering the big time.

Obviously you, as manager, ought to take a lot of the credit but personally most of it must go down to the decision to poach such world-beating posters from the established football fan forum title contender, This Is Anfield. Posters such as @SBYM, @redbj, @Scott.Jones, @PeachesEnRegalia and, of course, the incomparable @Kopstar, these are posters at the top of their game who deserve to be mixing it, week in week out, with the very best of the deranged lunatics that support the wrong clubs.

Let’s hope the sponsorship money from Morgan Stanley actually filters down to the talent this time!


Why Not!!!

Either he is the idealist we love to know his as or he is a level-headed professional. If he is an idealist, he has to leave.

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But sport has rules built into it to create a level playing field. Of course larger clubs have more power to attract players etc, but it should be that, when the ref blows his whistle it’s just about the 22 players on the pitch giving their best for their team, and the fact that smaller clubs can, and do, upset the big teams is what makes it interesting. The more the rules and the competitions favour only the richest and more powerful, the less interesting it becomes. That goes for capitalism in general too by the way.

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I’m canceling my Boston Globe subscription this morning. Henry won’t get my $14.99 a month now and I’m sure he’ll be devastated.

I’d be devastated if Klopp resigned but he’s legend status in my book.


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Players being banned from internationals is just about the only silver lining I can see


Just wait until I can get my hooks into Karen from the Loon…

That deranged nutter won’t know what hit her!


What a mess.

Mo Salah begs to differ. Interesting times ahead, not necessarily good ones either.

Why aren’t the anger, disgust directed at FIFA, UEFA, FA, PL and similar cunts??? Aren’t they the one who sat on their arse, lined their pockets, and kept taking decisions that ruined football?


That’s the great irony here. People are seeing greed by the clubs without recognizing what drove them to this point in the first place.