A big part of me has a real problem with handballs being given from that close a distance, but the way the rule has now become, if you block a cross with your hand held at or above shoulder height, it’s a handball. It wasnt just incidental contact, but material to his ability to defend the situation. Taking us out of it, I would expect to see that given 19 times out of 20.
Contrast the issue of materiality in the pen that was given…something the refs were supposed to factor in more in decisions over contact this season. What happens to Jesus there if that contact with Thiago doesnt happen? Absolutely nothing. Yet the ref still thinks its a foul.
I am same as you Limie but Oliver then gives one against us that had no time to react so all I ever want is for the rules to be applied fairly to both teams
Everyone keeps going on about the midfield yet the teams that beat us bupass the midfield, so it’s hard to judge them.
1st half we dominated midfield (2nd half I haven’t a clue what we were doing) it was our defense that was complete rubbish.
I see Arsenal and feel we were the same. I wonder what the difference is and I think hunger aside, they don’t have many injuries to key players. Nor do their players look injury prone. Period. That makes a huge difference. We literally have no clue what our proper XI with all players fit would look like. We change players across the pitch every single game. Times like this calls for consistency. I think couple of key players like Martinelli and Saliba out of their side would create havoc in this Arsenal side as well.
Just as a slight digression on the rules, I’ve seen some comment on the pen that Saka walks up the ball and picks it up after Oliver has blown his whistle to indicate it should be taken.
There will always be differences of opinion over issues that are subjective, but I am seeing almost universal pundit disagreement with the decision, even from ex arsenal players who are not known for giving us a fair crack.
The handball not given, and then the soft 50-50 that Jesus makes a meal of and he gives.
That’s before we get into the problem of Oliver allowing Arsenal to routinely put in shithouse challenges on our lads. The injury to Diaz is totally preventable if he stops Partey early on.