Post match: Liverpool v Bournemouth (EPL 19/8/23 3pm)

Not sure if it is really Jürgens position to be telling the fans what not to sing.

Fans can chant what they like in support of their team imo

Only going to make the fans sing it more to be honest.


Not to mention we don’t even hold possession from kick off. We could have controlled the start from the go, yet every kick off we lob it up to the side and create a terrible aerial situation rather control possession from the start. Been happening on kick offs for years and it signifies a larger issue with unnecessary or risky giveaways.


Agreed. Virgil should have passed to Konate who was open on the right instead of to Trent who had 2 Bournemouth players near him.


Guaranteed, if that was Harry Kane, the commentators and pundits would describe the penalty incident as “clever play from Kane, he drew the foul”.


Penalty decision is correct. You can’t kick someone in the shins. He went down easy. Silly challenge from the defender.

As regards our ‘supporters’ who think we get a fair crack of the whip from refs, I’m baffled how you can think that. All Tomkin’s data is there to see.

I mean I remember our Europa league final that Alby ‘lost’ for us. Did he nothing. We should have gone in at half time 3 or 4 nil up. Disallowed goal, blatent penaltiies denied. It was a joke the reffing incompetence.

2005 vs Milan. Their 2nd goal, a breakaway after their player handballed the ball while lying on the floor. Fast forward to the last few seasons and it’s a joke. Corrupt, biased, incompetent? Take your pick, but the decisions are real.

Oh and Rambling on and KlopptoNIT flip flopping on the ‘evidence’ they agree/disagree with is laughable.

ETH will be out of a job soon if Manure carry on like this.


We were 3-1 up,had the ball,in control of the game.A strange time for him to be yelling that.

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Well done we won over Bournemouth at home , to be fair we played 30 min with 10 but i still even the 60 min we had 11 we werent that good. i really feel we are so mono dimensional teams mangers just know how to play us . any one watching this league can see we are a midtable team and we are far behind the top 6 . klopp is just keeps on playing exactly the same no matter what players he has available never adjusting to the strength of the players but just plug in the system . on the other hand pep is always tweaking adjusting ( phill foden yesterday behind the 2 strikers was unbelievable) nunez in pep team would flourish with klopp its slow death reduced to minutes jogging on the field

No it was Murphy who sort of supports LFC but as expected Shearer thought it wasn’t a penalty

I get the feeling Klopp wants it sung at the end of the game if we have won he is a tad superstitious

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Do you have a link please? I’m not aware of his study on this.

Um that’s not what I heard / saw from him last night.

He said it was soft, theatrical, which it was but also contact and a foul. He was also critical of the red card.

Surprising but thats how I heard it.

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I saw Trent get pelters for the offside goal and the first one that stood but I cant see why.

The first allowed goal surely could and should have been prevented by Ibou and Ali but they ran into each other?

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Alisson had a nightmare first ten minutes but Trent was at fault for the goal, playing a weak pass while facing our goal. Also at fault was whoever put him in that position, I can’t remember if it was Ibou or Virgil, passed the ball to him and he was immediately put under pressure by a Bournemouth player.

99 times out of 100 Trent gets the ball in that position and either turns away from the pressure of passes it to someone before the oressure arrives. He just had a bad touch, no big deal I think.


Trent gets stick now because its all the rage.


I have been saying that for a while in many of the in game threads, any other situation during the game we would be trying to pass it out, not lump it

I don’t but go to the Tomkins times. You can find it there.

He has a lot of anecdata but they’re not really a proper study are they?

Have you read it, looked at it?