Post Match: Liverpool v Leicester (EPL 22/11/20 7.15pm


Thought we were excellent tonight from start to finish.
Nice to see Bobby score as he worked hard.
As sure as night follows day Nabby is injured again. Thought he played ok up until then but he’s unreliable. We have a bunch of players in (Nabby) Ox, Matip, Gomez, shaq and Thiago who all get injured far too much.
(Yes I know Thiago has had 1 injury since been here but is injury prone).

James Maddison. Would never tire of slapping his face. Spend most of the night throwing himself to the ground.


I am a big fan of the kid but I’m glad he was brought back to earth tonight. It will only serve him well and will be better because of it. Kudos to the young man for giving a good 30 minutes or so but Mane abused him the majority of the match, he was chasing shadows the entire second half. Left for dead on several occasions only to be bailed out by good goalkeeping and also the posts. He seems to struggle with forwards that want to battle physically and stand right on him.


No doubt already been said but that’s a thumping win. Kota is looking a steal at the moment. How in gods name is Bobby’s first goal not a goal. The VAR is doing everything it can to destroy football. All through the recent decades football has been trying to improve the goal ratio. Now it put a massive hole in that. As De Bruyne said. I don’t know the rules anymore. Still thumping win.

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But has had about a month off before that.
He’s broke and unfortunately the Nabby experiment hasn’t worked. Move him on and bring in someone who does not break down every other game.

Lets start with Christian Fuchs; his wife says occasionally.

You should read what I actually say about Gini rather than spout shit!

Why if he hasn’t been fit enough to play for his team is he allowed to play for his country. Sadly he is another Aqualani. Wonderful promise but stuck together with tape.

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We were absolutely boss today front three or should I say 4 looking good, shout out to fabinho millie all of them ha expected a little challenge from Brendan today was whimpering to say the least.

You need a life! :rofl:

Yeah have thought the same but we would have to take a huge hit, who would buy him now?

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has not played in a month and goes on to start and play 3 in a space of ten days…

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That’s not VAR it’s goal line technology and it judged 11mm of the ball didn’t cross the line at least it’s working again unlike when Villa conceded after lockdown.


Brilliant. All those injuries, and still way better than Leicester. That’s so impressive, and a testament to everything that’s been built over the last five years.

Performance culture, tactical familiarity, talent; We’re in such a great place, we’ve reached the point where it’s possible to play like this with half the team out. Pretty cool…


So what’s wrong with Alan (“I’m a miserable bastard”) Shearer someone swapped his pills?

Still buzzing from this. We were very good indeed.

On to Atalanta, and presumably they will give a better account of themselves than last time, with their own CL prospects diminishing if they get whacked again?

I see both sides of the argument to rest players now or rest them later. I’m in the latter camp. Beat Atalanta now, secure progress, rest some players later.


Great performance all round,several top players out and we still did up Leicester comfortably.
Bit worried about Naby and his injuries,really hope he can get over them.
So much to like from these lads,hard to come up with a MOTM(I’m a one MOTM dinosaur).
Probably Robbo by a whisker.
Over the moon with Bobby scoring,he"d feel a bit better.


They don’t need that all they need is for the guy that draws the white line half as thick and it would have been a goal for Bobby


I think Klopp might be saving him for the Atalanta game as he was full of running in training?


That was comprehensive and a very enjoyable game to watch.
All the players did well, but Andy Robertson, take a bow. Hamstring injury? Really?
Jota is a real player. I think we have doubled our money on him already.

The coaching staff need a MOM vote as well. We’re a talented bunch but more importantly we are perfectly prepared.