Post match: Liverpool v Leipzig (UCL 10/9/21 8pm)

…Put yourself back in the game lftikhar…
Break our losing streak :smile:

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Only one man left for the job. @ISMF wasn’t it you that saw us over the line last season?


Well I dont like to take all the credit.

Origi played his part as well.


Are you suggesting we call Origi here to open the Wolves thread? … didn’t think so.
Now be a hero and make us rally, will ya?


Problem is we are dammed if we do and dammed if we don’t.

Our boys give out even half of what they receive, they get booked.

The manager points out that exact same incidents seem to get called differently for us, the Manc and London biased media is all over it, ex refs are all over him, and refs are even more emboldened, and make even more decisions against us.

Imagine if half a dozen PL refs were from Merseyside, and were refereeing matches of Manchester clubs. Image the hysteria at every decision.

There is definitely regional prejudice at play. Given that Manchester as a city despises Liverpool and resents any economic progress the city makes, something that stems back to when Liverpool was the jewel of the empire and Manchester built the ship canal to try and steal Liverpool’s cargo business, Manchester refs are probably quite happy to cost LFC a CL place to cause job losses in the city’s tourism industry and damage the city economy.


You really are something else.

I can assure you Manchester as a city doesn’t despise Liverpool, infact (being born, raised and still live in Manchester myself) everyone I know loves Liverpool as a city. We are linked cities, through big key cultural similarities like music and football. We are two key Northern powerhouse cities who primarily will band together against the Tory South.

Yes there is a rivalry between fans, but what you are trying to protray just simply doesn’t exist. Are you sure it’s not the other way round and you hate Manchester? Your constant vitriol is toxic. It looks like you are the xenophobic one.


I can’t deny that there is intense rivalry linked to football which does spill over into bile on both sides. I hate that aspect of this sport. I have been involved all of my adult life, playing and administrating a different team sport and I have never experienced that. It seems to be unique to football…Sad

Also in a lifetime of dealing with Manchester businesses (and other regions of the country) on a commercial level, I have never come across any reluctance to deal with me because I was based in Liverpool. As cities we have far more in common than divides us.

Maybe I have just been incredibly lucky… :thinking:


100% I’m not going to sugar coat how bad the rivalry can get. I got seven bells of shit kicked out of me a few times in PE for wearing my Liverpool kit…

But that’s it, it’s a football rivalry built up by the 2 dominant English teams of all time, I’ve always had a grudging respect for them, like they have about us… That is why it’s the rivalry and all this fake crap with the oil rich clubs is superficial.

Spot on, you gave us the Beatles we gave you the Hacienda! Garlands is still one of my top 5 nightclubs in the UK!


My family are from Manchester and greater Manchester, my uncle was an old school Man City fan, he said he was put off from the rivalry that had come of football.

He would often go Maine road and then Old Trafford on alternate weeks, he is the only one of the family who had that interest, my dad doesn’t (too music obsessed in youth) and nethier does my Mum or Grand Parents.

Always loved Manchester when I was young and I have many friends there and I’d love a job there to be fair I didn’t go to Liverpool as a youngster but I’ve fallen for the City since.


Did you see Lee Mason’s display in the PSG/Barca game?

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Garlands was shut down a couple of years ago, unfortunately :pensive:.


Haha I’m 38 now, my clubbing days are way past me… Also spent many a night downing warm double vodka redbulls at Medication @ Cream! apparantly that is no more also… Same as all the Manchester clubs.


It’s hilarious how you try to take the moral high ground, yet you’re at it again, going way OTT and throwing personal insults around. You were at it with Jaffod the other day/week from what I remember. The recipient varies, but it’s always you involved in it.

I’ve worked and lived in Manchester myself and do a lot of business there. Sure, the professional and educated types are mostly above all that, I’ve friends there of that ilk and who are United fans and perfectly reasonable.

But please don’t tell me that there isn’t anti-Liverpool sentiment in large swathes of Manchester, football driven and not, because there is.

And if you knew your history, you’d know that Manchester resented Liverpool’s status during the empire days.


True - but at the same time we’ve been creating chances in the league and finding ways not to score them (or discovering after we scored that someone was fractionally offside).

Either way I was channeling that feeling until the goals finally came - which i’m sure says more about my state of mind than the team.

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You mean when I responded to someone calling me a cunt? With everything you post it’s through completely warped eyes.

And yes I can tell you that, I live here and have done for 38 years. In all my dealings I’ve yet to see anyone who displays the same level of toxic behavour as you. Stop making sweeping statements you have nothing to back up.

Of course Manchester Utd fans resented us, we were on the perch. Just like when they stole it and we entered 20 years of the wilderness my level of warmth to them wasn’t rosey either. That’s a far cry from statements like “a whole city despises”…

You play the typical xenophobe card, they hate us so I hate them… When in fact it’s just your own little bitter feelings nothing more. So so small minded. I wonder if that’s why you hated FSG from the off? Did an American owner not leave a nice taste in your mouth? Much prefer Moores and Parry the local lads?

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Agree with this - My wife is a United fan (we’re American’s so not much of the rivalries are really the same for us). We root hard against each other when we play, and I root much more against Untied than she does against Liverpoos (watch your women around Klopp guys… just sayin). But at the end of the day I always respected Untied and Ferguson for what they built and accomplished - I have never had that respect for Chelsea or City in this era. Plastic clubs is the right phrase.


Aye my grandad who is from Anfield (who got me supporting Liverpool) married a Manchester born City fan (may she rest in peace)… Never heard an iota of “despise” from all her extended manchester born and raised family members beyond the normal friendly ribbing.


The exaggerated enmity is all down to one thing: Sky.


Actually my approach to life centres around finding good people to associate with and befriend regardless of where they are from, what colour they are, or what religion, etc etc. I’ve been all over the world, many of my friends are not British, most of my relationships have been with non white women, and I worked in the US and love the place.

My disdain is for the prejudice in this country against the city I was born in and love. Simple as that.

I actually prefer most other countries I’ve visited, and their cultures, to England, just as I love the celtic countries, being of part Scottish and Irish descent.

I’ve given all the examples of that prejudice many times, am not going to go into them again, you admitted yourself there’s a north/south thing.

So don’t start portraying me as a bigot, or xenophobe, just because I feel passionately about the way my city is treated and vociferously stand up for it.