Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

I can take those defeats to be honest they happen.

If Spurs had won even against 10 men with no offside or Jota card I’d have accepted it somewhat not with this though.


The latest seems to be that they are saying the error was that they got the lines the wrong way around.

That’s bullshit. There wasn’t time to draw any fucking lines.



That’s right, I couldn’t believe how quickly the game was restarted.

Stupendous Idea run by the PGMOL

That’s what I read from the statement.


Corruption…we should ask for the game to be replayed

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Absolutely no chance the league would let that happen.

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This football club should demand whoever was on VAR is sacked or we’re not fulfilling our next fixture.

Time to put these cheating cunts on the spot.

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They shouldn’t be near our fixtures full stop.

Probably be left with about two guys by the end of the season

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Joke’s on you if you think that that would result in anything but a 3-0 forfeit for us.

Carragher has just put the cat amongst the pigeons by claiming that VAR haven’t been drawing lines this season to try and speed up the process.

He says there were no lines drawn for this decision, but the VAR just went on Luis Diaz and the closest player, failing to notice the leg playing Diaz on at the bottom of the screen.

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Starting to stink like Calciopoli


Don’t give a fuck fella.

What’s the alternative? Play 38 meaningless games?

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Better forefeit then try your guts out and then get cheated out.

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Might as well have an Octopus picking between a box labelled ‘onside’ and one labelled ‘offside’.

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I find it very suss that they made an announcement so quick…usually the disappear for weeks and then try and cover up their decisions…but this one today has got to be the fuck up of VAR ‘history’…to admit you got it wrong whilst managers are still doing interviews after the match is just incompetence of the highest calibre…pay em off and get rid…of.VAR, useless refs, dimwit linesman, and the clowns who check var …


We need a new Super League, without oil cheats, and with different officials. The slate needs to be wiped clean and a reset is needed.

The game is clearly corrupt.

The governing bodies aren’t fit for purpose, and the refs in the Prem are beyond a joke, with massive bias against Liverpool.

Hooper is a meathead who should have been sacked after assaulting Robbo.


I don’t think that was Hooper was it?

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