Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

I don’t think that after this new shit-show, anyone can still say that this league is clean. It is not, and it’s bloody obvious.


Sack the whole lot of them. I never want to see anyone involved in that decision near any sort of professional sport again.

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Plain and utter corruption, that is all.


Does it matter if it’s open corruption, incompetence, or subconscious bias at this point. The end result is the same.


the offside debacle is so blatantly wrong its actually hard to see it being anything other than calamatious mistakes…if you are gonna fix something youd be a bit more clever than that, the paymasters would be fuming.

its the soft yellows that are everywhere that are pretty incriminating…that affects a players, and teams ability to play football and it can be wiped away as ‘down to interpretation’

for what its worth, the absolute conviction that Jotas yellow was undoubtably a yellow baffles me a bit…foul, yes…yellow card…hmmmm.

let alone the first one.



When Hooper went over to the monitor it was frozen on the last frame for several seconds before slow-motion replaying the tackle. It’s like they’re trying to lead his decision instead of just showing him the tackle from beginning to end once he’s at the monitor.


I think the match going fans need to call out these people directly, possibly with banners.
This has gone on for too long…

The pundits are invested in maintaining their access and their media contacts. And often run interference for the refs.

Oh 'it evens out at the end of the season '.
‘The refs job is soooo hard’…As if these are marines looking to take a hill in Iwo Jima!

I’m sick of this…


Shearer makes a good point, Wtf was the assistant VAR ref doing while England was cooking the books/shitting the bed?


Please just replace them all with robots asap. Until then can we just get rid of them and have the players self-referee. Sure, they’ll be giving themselves penalties everytime they trip on a blade of grass but I’m sure those decisions will even themselves out over the course of a season. :wink:


Fuck. Absolute horror show of a weekend in every way.


Regarding corruption relative to the Premiere League, if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, this often, then it is probably a corrupt duck.


So proud of our boys today, they fought with all their hearts and souls despite every decision going against them.

The referee, linesmen and VAR officials can go and do one. The stupid apology given by PGMOL is useless to us.
The officiating has gone worse, it is now the most incompetent league in the world! Also, a corrupt one. It is us against the EPL.


He should have got a yellow automatically as Salah always gets a yellow when he decides to take his top off.


Every player does, I’ve literally never ever seen it not given yellow. I think it’s an awful rule but it always gets yellow carded.

So now he’s even failing the basics.


Bit of context. I’ve just finished a season of coaching youth football, second highest division of 10 teams. So mostly proper refs and assistants but obviously not high level stuff.

Ive slowly learnt after 10 years of coaching that there truely is SFA you can do about poor officiating. You can philosophise and decide it will ‘even out’ but what if it doesn’t? It’s a hugely
Frustrating part of the game.

What can you do? Nothing at my level. Apart from the obvious be polite and not be a knob, I’m not sure you can do anything. Just keep positive(as possible) so that the players are not adversely influenced.

At the professional level, I’d really like to see the refs have to explain their decision following the review. They did this well in the women’s World Cup and there is something similar in the rugby World Cup atm. I think it adds more accountability on the ref to have to verbalise that he’s had another look and decided xyz based on the vision. It’s his decision, not someone in a room elsewhere.

Also, I’d like a proper review protocol, where the same process is followed each time. Eg for the red today, show all angles including at full speed. Having a ridiculous zoom in of the aftermath of the challenge shown first obviously resulted in the Jones red. But showing multiple angles including full speed May have left it at a yellow.

Again other sports have a proper protocol that is followed eg cricket, rugby league, rugby. If you are going to use the technology, you need a proper process. People don’t tolerate wanton errors when you can see the truth of the screen and VAR has the mandate and responsibility to act.


They are trying to to turn us into a dirty team we get two reds and a few yellows two games running Elliott got a yellow for celebrating with supporters today Jota got two yellows Jones a red Alisson a yellow fortime wasting Salah a yellow for god knows what Robbo got a yellow etc


I think people at that level also have to give and take.

Some awful incidences I’ve seen and as a captain I’ve had to push players away at times for what actually aren’t particularly bad decisions.

I did a game once and one guy said can you stop the fouling. The only team that had been dangerous was his side.

However the best ref I had was a Rugby one who basically talked to us before and throughout the game. I think a clearly explained decision like in RU and RL would be better.

You wouldn’t have that offside at least.


While we are all bitterly disappointed, I believe the point worth making is, we were 1 minute from a point at Spurs with 9 men. That is a seriously gutsy effort. This team has balls and determination. We are in this.


Yes it does. The first of those is far more serious than the others.