Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Deciding that the protocol is more important that stopping the game once you realized the “check complete “ didn’t mean to the ref what you tnought it meant is the majority of the problem.

It’s laughably pathetic


I have never wanted to believe that there’s some kind of conspiracy against Liverpool, or that the officiating is corrupt, etc. I’ve always given the benefit of the doubt, and put it down to just plain old incompetence and inconsistency as far as applying the rules. What I witnessed today changed all of that.

I can’t, with a straight face, look my 8 yr old lad on the eye and tell him that wasn’t completely fixed against us today.

The league is one hundred percent (Darren) bent.


It has been ever since the advent of the Premier League, and Ferguson’s intention of “knocking Liverpool off their fucking perch”.

The more people realise that there is a longstanding conspiracy against us (as I have explained before, it goes all the way back to the city’s refusal to kowtow to its Tory overlords in the Eighties), the more they’ll be able to see this game, and this country, for what they are: corrupt to the core.

What has happened is that those who pull the strings realise that we are the team most likely to beat Manchester City to the title this season, so we must be stopped at all costs.


There’s an agenda against us this year alright.
No worries that’s what we are right? We should be used to this by now.

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I know this is obviously a joke… but…

Pep’s pic would imply that the referees are doing this corrupted shit against their will. They don’t look that way to me, they look pretty damn happy giving us the middle finger almost every game we play!

But that’s part of being Liverpool, and that’s what makes winning even sweeter than it normally would…

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It is, but I think the answer to all three are the same. Better oversight and more transparency.

It’s been going on for an extended period of time and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. Or even mind, for that matter, except us fools who choose to support Liverpool.

It’s maximum corruption because sheer incompetence cannot possibly end up with us on the losing end almost all the time like now.


I think I might genuinely be done with football after today.

Been out with my best mates all afternoon, watched the game half cut in a shitty bar filled with Arsenal fans and Mancs. Never really been the type to subscribe to the theory that we are hard done by, always kind of assumed that what goes around comes around. It all evens itself out eventually. All that fucking bollocks. Everybody is on the wrong end of shite decisions because the referees/officials in this country are just that fucking crap. Everybody in the venue was legitimately gobsmacked at what they were seeing. Like some of my best mates are devout Mancs who couldn’t comprehend the level of shitness of the officials.

There are no words for what happened today. The apologies mean absolutely fuck all. The game won’t be replayed. The injustice is blatant for all to see. An offside decision given within 10 seconds, no further checks when we’ve seen much more blatant calls take upwards of five minutes to be looked at. What is the point in continuing on? I thought the point of VAR was to eliminate the absolute fucking howlers our abysmal referees consistently make in this country.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m just so tired of it all.


I gave up watching football for three months at the end of 2021, as I had reached a similar stage. The blatant corruption and cheating (as well as other concerns surrounding the sustainability of the game) did my head in. The only thing that brought me back is Liverpool FC.

Fuck the rest of them; I love this club.


So I have ti admit I watch the first 15 minutes then went out with friends and saw the second half on a bar tv with no sounds and lots of distractions.

I missed the disallowed goal completely, and missed Jotas red. Watched the end of the second half thinking we were really holding our own well with 10 men and had as good a chance as Tottenham to win the game. Had no clue we were actually playing with 9.

Gutted at the own goal at the end. Matip and the whole team deserved better for their performance. And the farce var fuck up is beyond incompetence


I felt the same when around the time covid came around. Just couldn’t bring myself to do it all anymore. Was a depressed, miserable cunt for umpteen other reasons but I genuinely feel at such a low point again today.

I think all of us here would genuinely accept if we played shite, got outplayed and deserve to lose. In my thirties now and I’ve seen that be the case hundreds of times.

Today just feels different to me though. I genuinely can’t recall ever feeling this disheartened by a result, and it’s all down to the officials and not our boys who are the fucking bees knees. Love all fucking 25 odd of them to bits, but I dunno, I’m just really struggling to find the motivation to want to continue putting up with watching this shit every week. :slightly_frowning_face:


It’s an odd thing to say about a team of multi millionaires, who have had so much success, but we are actually the underdogs when compared to the institutionalised cheating and corruption that envelops the entire sport.

That makes our lads’ achievements all the more laudable and something to really celebrate.


I know what you mean. Feel physically sick in a way I normally only feel after losing a big knockout tie. It’s bad enough having to fight against the odds every season against a team with unlimited funding without the scales being tipped further in their favour.


And this is a key point: it’s not just this game in isolation but the key decisions that go against us and for Manchester City over the course of the season that will decide the title race. As history shows, we are never on the right end of those cumulative decisions.


I’m not normally one to police another team’s celebrations, but I’d be embarrassed of that “win” and the way they carried on after the whistle if I were a Spurs supporter( :nauseated_face: ).


As I said before, I’m not convinced there is some kind of grand conspiracy against us, but you watch todays game and nobody in their right mind could watch that and think that something isn’t amiss. I just cannot get my head around those decisions today. There is nothing logical about why any of those decisions would go against us.

I feel the same way as you said, we’ve all seen us lose semis/finals that we did not deserve to lose in recent memory, and it’s sickening but I feel like you can kind of accept them because ultimately if you aren’t clinical with your own chances and the other team is, then you reap what you sow. But when the result is determined every fucking week by a useless bald cunt from greater Manchester and his hapless colleagues who have every fucking available technological system in place to aid them and they still can’t figure out the obvious correct decisions, why do any of us fucking bother with this enterprise? I feel like we as Liverpool fans go into pretty much every game nowadays expecting the fucking worse from officials, and we are constantly proven right.


For me, the answer is that my love for the club outweighs my contempt for the officials.


We should demand an explanation for that and the disallowed goal and when those decisions can’t be justified - and they can’t be - then we should demand the cunt VAR never gets near another one of our games.
It’s way past the time we started calling these corrupt cunts out publicly.

12 hours on and my anger levels haven’t subsided. That’s why I’m tapping away at a fucking keyboard at 6.30 in the morning when I should be asleep in bed.
There simply is no point anymore in this football club attempting to compete in this country in the belief we’re doing so on a level playing field. I genuinely believe it’s time we walked off the pitch at some point.


PGMOL just need, at a minimum, to allow an independent study into their decisions over a period of, say, 5 years. Then if there are any discrepancies (like those that Paul Tomkins ’ data scream out that there is), the underlying causes can be looked into to reduce any biases (such as the Salah fouls stats that your nose can tell you doesn’t sit right).

Instead, like an old boys club, they continue in secrecy which means they can pat themselves on the back with their own reviews, say they will change x, y, and z, and continue as usual.

Then you have the Premier League and FA, who go on about fairness etc, yet they do not shed any transparency into what they do, so things can be swept under the carpet.


My view Is that there is unconscious bias against us which manifests itself into the subjective decision making. Just enough to put a finger on the scales. Over a season, this is enough to allow a major points swing (like in the 1 point behind seasons).

In yesterday’s game, it was more egregious than usual. When the ref team mess up in the first half, usually you see a soft decision in your favour in the second half. Not so against Spurs. The ref was quick to deal out the yellows (see the Salah and Robertson specials).

Also, they would usually ref the game with an understanding of the situation. Not so again yesterday. Any subjective decision was in Spurs’ favour even with a one then two man advantage. What happens to the guidelines to get the game to flow if soft contact? Blow for a foul to Spurs, especially when Mo is the “aggressor”. No way the ref yesterday would blow if that had been a Spurs attacker.

The Spurs lad went into Andy leading with his arm and not looking at the ball, whereas Andy’s eyes were on the high ball. Ref then, I think, called a foul by Andy for his second action after that on the other Spurs player and compunded his error by booking Andy for it. That was in injury time. A free kick to us there would’ve killed a minute.

Even at the who touched the ball last situations for throw-ins and corners - last night’s game was ridiculously refereed.

Even the linesman. He did his job thinking Diaz was offside. Fair enough (or is it?) Would he have flagged a tight decision for Spurs? Anyway, VAR should be able to set that straight easily smh.