Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

We should demand both red cards are rescinded.

Not much chance of that happening I know but at least it keeps the pure corruption we are suffering in the public eye.


The decisions yesterday manifest a three point swing against Liverpool.

Curtis red card
Diaz disallowed goal
Failure to give a penalty to Joe Gomez
Jota first yellow

There’s four decisions that change the course of the game. Level pitch and Liverpool win the match and top the table.


They can’t overturn Curtis red card.
If they do, the offside error is compounded.
Take those two decisions plus the non penalty for Gomez and you would think a replay is neccessary?

Itsa fucking disgrace, and in a couple of years when you cite the example of yesterday’s match costing Liverpool you will be called a conspiracy theorist and told that they even out over the season.


Tbf I don’t see anyone saying that anymore. Think even the pundits are embaressed to regurgitate that cliche these days.


I think there has been a massive shift among our fanbase and the vast majority now accept there is corruption involved.
It’s incredible really. Very few people still banging the ‘incompetence’ drum.
I’m waiting to see Rambler’s interpretation of yesterday’s events but he appears to be AWOL.


I know we’ve jousted about this before. I’ve always recognised that we are hard done by but thought it was maybe subconscious bias of a couple of officials. Or our players being ‘fair’, not surrounding ref etc.

But that was a different level yday. The PGMOL statement and excuses makes absolutely no sense and pour fuel on the fire.

I just can’t get my head around a large-scale conspiracy / institutional bias. So many people would have to be involved without whistleblowers. But more open to the possibility than ever.

For sure there needs to be an independent investigation


We are not getting a replay.

But that said , Liverpool need to make a case that the referees are corrupt. I used to think they were just incompetent. But matches like this question that.


And also , Liverpool need to have the ability to veto referees that they do not want officiating.

Absolutely not, I agree.

But at the end of the season, if we don’t win the league, yesterdays official thuggery should not be forgotten or chalked off as anything tless than corruption


Changing the course of the season.

We should be going to Brighton as league leaders on a confidence high with all players available and knowing that City play Arsenal next weekend too.

Now we have to prepare with the constant feeling of being kicked in the balls for one week.

We might have been able to cope without Curtis but unnecessarily being without the two extra main attackers from bench - that will cost us.


im just gonna throw it out there again, but the second yellow on jota isnt a yellow either…

even we have been conditioned… was it a foul?yes, 100%…was it a yellow? get to fuck.

but like a trumpian defence, the rest is so outrageous this one doesnt even register a blip.


The way he started handing out yellows like he was giving out flyers for a concert, except only to one side. I was like “this is some twilight zone shit, is everyone seeing what I’m seeing ?!” 12 yellows. For what?!?!

“ When a team that had previously topped the Premier League fair play table in five consecutive seasons under its current manager gets four red cards inside just seven games, you have to ask what has changed.

No, it isn’t that Jurgen Klopp‘s side have suddenly become incredibly dirty, or that they are the victims of some grand refereeing conspiracy (as tempting as it might be to believe that).(I am seeing evidence pike up in front of my eyes providing more and more fuel to stoke the fires of an actual scheme to disadvantage us)

But it should be clear to everyone at the PGMOL that something isn’t quite right in terms of the decisions that Liverpool have been subject to so far this season.”


It’s far more prevalent that you’d think and it’s not just taking place in third rate leagues either. As of yesterday, Barcelona are officialy charged with buying off referees; Guardiola of course rushed to their defence. I don’t need to mention what’s happened in Italy.

Who knows what will come out years down the line. The only thing certain is that for one reason or another, we have been cheated out of at least 3 league titles in the past years. They better not make this season’s number 4.



Shit referees, shit VAR, shit result but its this kind of injustice that has always gave a club like ours a platform to rise from the ashes. When we win this league again this season, it is going to be so sweet. Its demoralising but like our team behaves when unfairly treated on field, to just keep going, I am going to do the same. We will win this bloody thing.

AlexMac not getting his maths right here.

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Is this dude having a stroke?! :man_facepalming:t2: you can feel his brain cells quiet quitting one by one

If its true for he reason of why the Diaz goal was ruled out is that Darren England believed that the on pitch decision was goal so he only gave it a quick look and thought yeah thats fine and communicated check over. If thats true he needs sacking for dereliction of duty of not been aware of the on field status thats his job after all.


It’s not going to happen if this kind of results keep happening. We’ve been disproportionately hit with red cards and have overcome them until last night and even with two we almost pulled off a draw. More red cards will put more pressure in players on the pitch and we will get injuries even to fit young players like Dom. And that’ll be the end of it.
@gasband its an admirable sentiment mate but this is not a one off. They just made it a bit more blatant than usual because this season nothing was slowing us down until last night .


Still pissed off.

Anyone got Der Spiegel’s phone number?

Sorry if I spelled it incorrectly