Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

It’s a lie from Darren England, simple as that. If for some bizarre reason he was not paying attention to the on field series of events then his assistant would have corrected him. If they both thought that they were confirming a goal then they would have seen immediately that the ref was moving to award a free kick and would still have had the chance to speak with the ref to clarify that they were confirming a goal not an offside.


Same. Yeah I think some serious investigative journalism is in urgent order. Then again, corruption in FIFA, UEFA, serie A, strong evidence of it in La Liga, really wouldn’t be that surprising


And I like Ange as a manager. Wish him well.

But his team taking a lap of honour after beating a Liverpool side with the aid of the referees is clueless.

Show embarrassment for how this match is conducted and fuck off the pitch immediately.


If Peak Mourinho was our manager he would have assaulted the corrupt bald bastard last night and then tendered his resignation with an expletive laden direct accusation of corruption and blatant bias in the PL against us as he got arrested for common assault


No not at all, the game is as bent as boxing (used to be at least)

What pisses me off most about this is that England, Hooper and co. will get called in tomorrow, they’ll all sit round with a cuppa and have a good laugh. Investigation done.

England will disappear for a couple of weeks before being slowly reintegrated with some lower key matches.


Haven’t we got any big Liverpool based journos who can really start digging into this?

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Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas


I share the sentiment but detest the reality it presents. Yesterday was, I hope, a point of realisation for all of us that we did not want to confront. How has this beautiful game been allowed to be completely controlled by the wrong people without hope of being challenged or changed by current methods of election or appeal….the question is what can be done to rescue the game and give us hope for the future?


Investigative journalism as exposure of the full extent of the corruption.


Paul Tomkins has been, but would need someone independent as his allegiance and emotion (understandably) impacts his interpretation


Tomkins won’t do. He’s not a major player. Someone from The Athletic might do

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Excellent idea in principle, but the establishment would just close ranks, just as they did with Hillsborough. Nothing to see here.


This is quite simply a case of fraud and corruption. It needs to be law enforcement agencies looking into this.

There will be a money trail etc.


After how long it took us to get anything for Hillsborough and the recent spate of police rapist and racists exposed…I don’t have a lot of confidence in them.

Der Spiegel love a juicy exposé. Someone ring them up (I’m serious)


Na it needs to be someone completely independent, but also large enough to get the readership, clicks, or whatever other metric you want to measure.

I’d honestly love someone to tear the house down, top to bottom, rip it right open.

England rightly gets the stick for yesterday, but lets not forget that there’s 4 on field officials as well as at least one other sat next to England. Hooper for me also has some real questions to answer at the very least. Second half he was dishing out yellows left right and centre for anything and everything as if he was hell bent on nailing someone. Jota sadly stepped up, and you could honestly see it coming.


It was almost like someone was in his ear saying “one red won’t be enough this season, they overcame that twice, need at least another one”


The umpire gets trigger happy only when he’s lost control of the game and gives out cards for everything.

I assume he’s seen the replays and knows he’s fucked up.

Cunt should be banned from officiating. Fuck him right off.

I don’t buy that. Lost control of what? It wasn’t a dirty match.

If things were normal he should have been trying to even things out by trying to send one of them off knowing that he fucked up the first red and the goal chalked off was a travesty

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I’m dishing out ‘likes’ and ‘thumbs up’ at the rate Hooper gives yellow and red cards.


Red mist had certainly descended with Hooper that’s for sure. He was clearly out to make some kind of statement, second half especially.