Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

I didn’t say otherwise…

Yep. He chose to say silent rather than pick up on Darren Man Citys (sorry Englands) error.

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Wooly ‘Master of Logic’ Red :+1:t4:

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Looking at the examples of missed yellows for Spurs yesterday and the utter shit show for us…I think…and this is only my take on it…that Simon Hooper had the intent yesterday to do whatever he could to make LFC lose the game…and why does he not make eye contact with our players when warning or booking them…to me that was his intent and he delivered and the reason why??? We will never know…as they all stick together like a secret society…


The VAR official comes from UAE 48hrs ago
Man City lose a match against Wolves
The same VAR official fucks over Liverpool when they play against Tottenham.

Anyone see this as a logical sequence of events with one missing step ?


I refuse to believe that the league is intentionally biased against us. After yesterday, this comment is verging on grounds for being sectioned.


This makes even less sense and the more they trot out this explanation the less sense it makes!

This assumes that not one of the VAR officials was watching the game and none of them was able to react before the restart of the game.

And we are not even talking about the red and yellow cards!


Yes. That’s what happened. The VAR and the assistant VAR were not paying attention to the match. That’s what they are going with.

It’s also entirely coincidental that both the VAR and assistant VAR were guests of the UAE 48 hours prior to the match. The same UAE who own our main rivals Man City.

And it’s also a coincidence that the football staff at Man City were taken wholesale from Barcelona, who are now defending themselves against serious allegations of match fixing relating to the time those same staff were there.

Coincidences everywhere.


They should just confess to corruption. It would be less embarrassing than this horseshit.


It would be less embarrassing (and more believable) if he said he was on Pornhub at the time.


Maybe he is superstitious and didn’t want to post 13?

I think this could be good for us.

The world is watching referee decisions against us, hopefully we can get some of these little decisions now.

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I am afraid we haven’t got many who are pro liverpool those that are weren’t even allowed to write anything in the papers today

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Small note about the goal ruled out – that ruins Salah’s goal contribution in consecutive matches record.

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:joy::joy: me too can’t help it

That’s a wrong way to look at it. I don’t want the umpires to give something our way against a match against Luton for example when we are already winning everything and then go… See , these things even out over the course of a season.


And Bissouma waving a card and not getting a second yellow


They better look long and hard at refs finances and id send team in looking for stacks of cash in their homes. I’m not a conspiracy guy but holy hell. How much are they paid in UAE and what strings are attached to get the gig?

So damning and awful. They’ve fucked this one and big changes needed quickly.


Someone correct me if i have this wrong, but they think it’s OK for refs to travel to and get paid by a governing body of UAE football outside of premier league by a government that owns one of the premier league teams?

And everything is just supposed to stay above the table and there is no potential conflicts of interest???



I’m sure they were asked to travel out there with an empty suitcase each, too.

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