Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Liverpool side yesterday the only slight fault I can give is for Jota on the second yellow.

Nothing else can be blamed, we didn’t lose that because our players didn’t show up.

That’s what hurt the most. A goalie who had his wheatabix, a dismal display, a lapse of concentration or just some silly error even a sending off that’s debateable say like Jota’s and I’d probably be fine with it.

The game was refereed poorly, I could probably even accept that but to compound it with the fact a goal isn’t given and it’s followed up by probably the worst second half display of a referee I’ve seen as in missing obvious yellows being card happy on others.

The games gone and that’s fine, the problem is next Sunday the same people in charge of this are in charge of that and every challenge or every goal I’ll feel like it’s gone.

After Nunez against Newcastle I finally got back to celebrating goals, I actually didn’t on Diaz as I felt it may be offside slightly.

If the PGMOL isn’t suitably investigated and reviewed then it will continue to happen and to the same clubs and we are a group of 4 or 5 that I can think of that seem to not get fair decisions. Palace is another I’ve seen enough of as are Wolves who seem to be bottom of that VAR table every year, as Cnuty as there fans are that sounds dubious.

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Just don’t see how. It feels like all that can be done is to make this drag on and maximise the exposure of the incident. Can we get the odd penalty, card decision, something, till the newsworthiness runs out???

Very unfortunately nothing will be done to stop “ so called refs” in the EPL, carry on officiating in games with their blatant high level of incompetence. Human error can be excused, but to keep on doing it practically every game day is not something to be acceptable by the league that professes to be the best in the world. Just a lot of hot air blown by PGMOL, in way of an apology (cannot understand why the. ‘P’ , because they are anything but professional).

maybe give officiating duties to women refs, or mic-up every word uttered during a game by the officials. I think these bastarrrrrrrds are hiding behind their incompetence by knowing that what they are saying/discussing will not be heard by the public.

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getting done by corrupt, incompetent morons is a level of pain that hurts more and lingers in what seems forever

still fuming/raging about the totally undeserved loss to spurs, simply because the officials could not do their jobs right, but still get paid for it.

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It will not be forgotten,regardless.

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Good point,there are a few women here reffing PL games,and the consensus seems to be they are a lot more efficient than a lot of the men.


I am still stewing with rage, trying to think which kind of revenge is the best without GBH :thinking:,sabotage PGMOL main office, hacking the Stockley park software system, those VAR officials who went to the UAE, their bank accounts.


I think you’ll find the onus is on you to provide the evidence to back your argument.
I’m interested in seeing it and will take the time to read and consider it.


We will get one against bournemouth when we lead 4-0. Then we will be asked to “see” how over the course of the season, these decisions happen, but it is no bias.


With so much more money at stake it’s probably more likely to happen here. I’m gradually being convinced of it. With apologies to @Quicksand and @jaffod


Sick of hearing the leg breaker stuff from Spurs fans. I remember a certain Spurs winger breaking Andre Gomez leg and having the ban rescinded.

Based on that I don’t see any reason Jones red shouldn’t be rescinded too. Consistency and all that.

I’m also a bit annoyed at how the events leading up to that red card are being ignored in the media. I’d be less bothered if a straight red was shown, it’s the fact they felt the need to upgrade it while showing the ref the still photo aftermath that has me riled. I can’t think of another time I’ve seen that on VAR.


In the aftermath of all the rightful hoo haa of the shit handling of the match, It needs to be remembered also… What an absolutely delightful finish by Diaz it was, to actually score the goal that has lit the blue touch paper - plenty more of that from him this season will help bring the title home :0)


No need to apologise, as discussion is part of what we do.
@jaffod has pointed out numerous incidents that have mitigated against Liverpool being successful, his menory and detail is so much better than mine.
And to be fair, there is no victory in these discussions, its just our beliefs and we are all open to listening to the other side.


That list is wrong. The BS vs Cheaty game was in 2022. Cost us the fucking league thats why I remember it.

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Brighton lost by 2 more goals than they should ladt Saturday.
That constitutes evidence.

He is an edgy forumite who shoots from the hip. His response to your request for evidence will be interesting…

the Tompkins article (even if massively biased) is evidence that cannot be ignored any more.

I think the answer to VAR problem is to have a team of women who solely act as VAR officials. Referees refereeing referees is stupid.


Who all happen to be from Yorkshire

Maybe if Jones had started crying uncontrollably, like a certain Spurs whinger (sorry, I meant winger), it might have helped his case.

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