Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)


Also the tech guy says ā€œOli has called in to delay the gameā€ so does Oliver not have a channel to Hooper? And why did they need to overrule him.

Assistant ref sounds like the major issue here, the VAR seems to get it before him with the ā€œFuckā€.


Carra nailed it - they panicked and froze. When the replay operator realizes the fuck up, that could have been communicated to the ref and the game stopped, would have been fine.

They didnā€™t listen to what was said and then froze on the spot. Fucking abject, this, how can these twats be trusted to ref a professional game ever again???


ā€œOliā€ isnā€™t Oliver, itā€™s the VAR tech hub guy.

Itā€™s gobsmacking that at no time does the VAR say, ā€˜The onfield decision is X.ā€™

Those repetitive cues are bog standard in any comms situation.


Ah right sorry

Nah I think the VAR had suddenly realised with that first Fuck.

This is another Van Dijk/Pickford situation where they get so focused on running their protocol (and quickly) that they stop actively thinking about what theyā€™re doing. Based on this I believe it was a genuine mistake, but it was an eminently avoidable one.

For me the most outrageous thing ā€“ besides only the tech guy being able to keep using his higher level brain functions ā€“ is the complete vacuum of authority to address the fuckup. The 4th official (EDIT: LOL it was another guy with the same nickname so no one understood who was speaking) wants them to stop the game, but none of that conversation/information makes its way to the on field referee until halftime. I mean, what the fuck? Halt the game, explain what happened, show him a picture if it still needs to be clear, and make the right decision. Why the fuck is it up to the VAR to make the determination ā€œI canā€™t do anythingā€?


Didnā€™t expect an overturn.

Was never a red, the VAR decided on showing a still to make it look worse.


That clip displays, amongst other things, a total lack of courage and leadership.

If you make an error, rectify it as best you can. Break the protocol, itā€™s not a sacred vow.

Pathetic stuff.


Well thatā€™s extra fucking confusing, isnā€™t it?

Hope they never get involved in air traffic control


FAWK, this has made me even more angry. I need to calm down. Whereā€™s that copy of Razzle?



Thing is they donā€™t seem to mention that anymore.

Iā€™ve not heard anyone say it for ages, though probably have since this though I havenā€™t felt like watching a PL game since.

As I said Riley was terrible but Webb has made it worse.

It might as well have been ā€˜Oliver Hardyā€™.

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Enough of that. This is serious, come on.

So the Pope and Raquel Welch are in a lifeboat.

Theyā€™re out on the ocean, drifting aimlessly, when all of a sudden, yada yada yada, to which she says, ā€œThose arenā€™t buoys.ā€

Jerry Seinfeld Lol GIF

One point, the dumb cunts def shouldnā€™t be using nicknames whilst theyā€™re working.

None of this Daz or Oli shit.

Referee, VAR, Assistant 1/2/3 etc.

Itā€™s for a reason pilots identify themselves by the relevant flight number.


I do understand where you are coming from but there has to be some form of common sense because no two challenges are the same and situations are different.

Maybe I should have said footballing common sense.

You mention the Kane challenge, left his feet, out of control, two footed, however he didnā€™t contact Robbo, so no endangering the player and therfore for some as their was no contact there was no excessive force. Now add in common sense, if Robbo hadnā€™t jumped to avoid the challenge then both would have been the case, everyone apart from the ref and VAR thought it was a red.

Nothing in a tackle is black and white and can never be refereed as such.

I always remember was a goal City scored against us.

Gini went up for a header and was in position to win it, however their player gave him the slightest of nudge whilst in the air, not as bad as Kanes submarining a player in the air, but it was enough for Gini to miss the header and for the ball to drop at the City players feet and they went on to score. No whistle, as the ref had no idea of the nuances of going up for a header and when in the air any slight push from a player not challenging can make you miss the header. To me watching it was a clear push, however, the goal stood.

Anyone playing or having played contact sport has that sense.

Also according when you apply rules in sport in a black and white manner you canā€™t have accidental contact as was the case in Joneses tackle.

Lastly, using execessive force and endangering the safety of the player, non of these are black and white and in the case of Jones it was one still shot that they used to determine this. Most people in the game looked at the whole scenario and thought a yellow was deserving as their was no intent and both the above were caused by Jones contact on the ball.

No sport can be refereed effectively without a combination of the rules and common sense, the sporting variety :blush: