Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Does anyone think the ref in the second half gace 99% of things to Spurs…its like he knew the cock up and wanted Spurs to snash us so they could say 1 goal wouldnt make a difference!!


Jesus fucking Christ


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Livelihoods, careers, big big money depends on this. Contracts don’t get renewed, performance bonuses don’t get paid, sponsorships don’t get signed.

This is not fucking over

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I’ve said, in recent days, the ref Tubby Grant, from the minute he blew the whistle at ko, he had every intention of producing a shit show and making sure we were getting yellow n red cards, he was determined that LFC would lose this game, but his little friends have themselves produced a comical shit show, now the ‘men in black’ and the clowns that sit in the little shed known as Stockley Park are the shit show…How many fans, commentators, managers, pundits, this weekend will trust the men in black with making on field decisions…not many…All they had to do, however many seconds had lapsed…was shout out to the ref…STOP THE GAME…but rules is rules and the comment was…I can’t, I can’t…yes you could have…


If common sense had prevailed… none of this would be happening right now

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Had they told the ref what happened when the ball went out he could have taken a minute to explain the situation to the managers and asked them what they considered fair.You’re not bringing the game back at that point so no going against the rules therefore no repercussions for the officials


This is supposed to be the “greatest” league in the world.

It’s a joke! Sunday league refs do a better job

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What a complete shower.

I still can’t fathom what England was watching if at all. He clearly didn’t have a clue what was going on at any point up to the review or during it.

It still stinks, especially Hooper’s reaction / performance in that second half.

Also worth a mention that Hooper never went to see Klopp after the game to offer any explanation etc. They all hoped it would go away.


That’s what incompetence sounds like my friend.


I really hope we don’t leave it there. I’m not sure where we can take it because if this is genuine then it’s actually the whole lot of them being so stupid i’m surprised they can tie their laces but not actually doing anything wrong purposely.

Most they’ll get from PGMOL is a few weeks off. Now that Jones red is upheld though i’m not sure what we have to lose by continuing this. Let’s be honest, they couldn’t be any more against us unless the refs actually score the goals against us themselves. Never expected anything different about Jones tho or they’d have admitted 3 mistakes against us in 7 games.


When did they they apologise? They’ve admitted an error, they haven’t apologised.

This has been driving me mental all day with bellends telling me we should move on because PGMOL have apologised.


They’ll just go and earn mega bucks in Abu Dhabi.

He sounded like he nearly dropped his can of lager.

Go Away Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

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Ok,it is my bedtime.

I might be back tomorrow though.

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It will be a long time before this goes away…

Travel and tiredness are two well known factors that compound human error. At the least, I hope this incident puts an end to lucrative refereeing trips to the UAE.

Hopefully we will highlight the remarkable conflict of interest, that supposedly unbiased officials can fill their boots with the money on offer from the same nation that owns the Premier League Champions, Man City, who themselves have a mountain to climb with 115 charges hanging over them.

I don’t know what other angles we will pursue, but hopefully we keep this going to the maximum, and it results in proper reform.

Oh, and a bugbear of mine… acknowledging something is absolutely not the same as an apology. Shithouses, the lot of them.


Really watching with interest for what comes next…

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