Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Yeah, if refs feel they need a little side gig to top up their 200k a year salary, it might be best if it wasn’t with an entity that owns Man City.


I genuinely don’t know what the fuck is going on in that audio to judge whether they’re corrupt or just fucking idiots. If that’s how they carry on during every VAR review then I’m pretty sure they’d have fucked up in a similar manner before now.
I think the club should demand audio for the whole match because we’re getting bogged down on the disallowed goal and the rest of the shitshow is being overlooked, for example England freezing the moment of impact of the Jones tackle to influence the referee into showing a red card. The whole fucking game was littered with bad decisions that were just as damning as the Diaz goal.


It all seemed very frantic right from the start. Surprised they don’t produce more howlers if this is how they communicate. Compare and contrast with video reviews in cricket (where you can actually hear everything btw).

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I could go back from the start of VAR and find 3-4 howlers most weeks. More than that??? You’d think it was a kindergarten session.

Confused Joe Biden GIF by CBS News

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But if that is the standard of communication between VAR and the ref’s I would expect 3-4 gaffs of similar level every game.


I mean, they don’t even realise they had fucked up until it was pointed out to them.


It is deceptively chaotic as the feed they have shared has overlaid 2 completely separate audio tracks over one another. The ref cannot hear what is happening in the VAR booth until they’ve made their decision and then buzz in with what should be clear direction. While the VAR booth can hear what is coming in from the on pitch feed it isn’t front and center for them the way it sounds on this audio. For them it’s more like having the telly on the background as you have talk to someone sitting next to you.

How bad the audio is that they share has been one of the biggest frustrations and misses from the now (supposedly) monthly VAR reviews Webb has started doing.

That shouldn’t be taken as a defense, but as an observation that refuses to allow any mitigation for how enormous a fuck up this was.

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Fcking communists.

Every game….in this country, yes. But let’s not forget not every game refs are called upon to make key decisions.

Even if we hadn’t ever had the audio released, it’s pretty clear the standard of communication between them is off sync and as if they’re on different planets from the decisions they make.

You’ve seen Onana has rushed out and collided into the Wolves player at full speed, just award the pen.

You’ve clearly seen in the Luton Wolves game the shot deflects off his thigh onto his hand….so why are you awarding a pen to Luton?

You’ve clearly seen a foul in the build up by Luiz on March for Villa’s 3rd goal, so why is it allowed to stand? In the same came it’s clear Zaniolo is in line, couldn’t be more in line, of sight with the keeper, why are you allowing the goal to stand?

You’ve clearly seen Forest keeper swipe Wissa after he pinched the ball, just award a pen. In the same game you’ve clearly seen the ball strike the Forest players hand in the box as his arm was over his head and brushes his hand, it’s a clear pen, just award it.

You’ve clearly seen Nketiah lunge in recklessly and out of control on the Spurs keeper, just send the player off….it meets the criteria.

Do you remember the Spurs Utd game where both teams were denied clear pens? Romero clearly handles the ball whilst outstretched, Martinez completely takes out Romero, no intention to play the ball. Award the pens.

I can’t stand Everton but what is VAR doing interfering in the goal Keane scores against Fulham? It’s a perfectly legitimate goal, there is not even a hint of a foul on Leno and they disallow it. Why?

City v Fulham, the goal where Akanji is clearly impeding the line of vision of Leno when stood in an offside position, why is the goal allowed to stand?

Their lives would be made so much easier for themselves if from time to time they applied common sense and went with the easy option, instead we have VAR to overcomplicate eveything.



Well….I still dont believe that this was a “mistake” We are assuming that Darren England was confirming what?, a goal?….By saying “check complete”?….He says right at the start “Possible offside Diaz” It’s clear he says this. So why would he just say “Check complete” to the ref? Check complete means your decision was right.
He knew what he was saying and stayed vague for long enough for the game to restart…. Its a fucking fix ….A £50k in your back pocket fix….This needs a proper investigation


Never been a fan of VAR,brings another dimension into it and the more involved in anything the more likely a fiddle can happen, whatever has gone on this time,VAR will get the blame, and nothing will change, business as usual…someone fucked up a treat and needs to be dealt with, not given a game off.If that can’t be done junk VAR,would save on the number of “officials” getting paid.

This is the challenge that got Robbo a booking



VAR has been in use for several years. You would’ve expected them to have robust communication protocols in place. You would’ve expected them to have consulted an expert communication firm in the original process of writing the standard of practice.

Instead, we end up with communication what seems to be several guys in a pub after countless rounds fumbling around for what words to use and making assumptions left right and centre.

That pat on the back after check complete is absurd. Then when some distant VAR tech team guy Oli tells the VAR technician to delay (the technician relays this info to VAR and AVAR), the two professional refs freeze as if cogs in their brain are churning along.

Something as simple as “check complete. Decision is ONSIDE” would suffice.


This is a different level of screw up. It’s one thing to argue over interpretations of offsides or whether it is a red card etc …but to realise immediately there is a miscommunication that resulted in a goal chalked off and not bother to rectify it asap is ridiculous and reckless.


I was fully expecting a yellow for Porro as hd looked like he was lining Robbo up for a nasty hit. I nearly fell off my sofa when the bald cunt booked Robbo.

And Robbo knew…he knew this fucker had it in for us so the just turned around and jogged back


If anything, it has become progressively worse!

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It’s like a couple of kids playing with light switches. ‘ON’ … ‘OFF’ … ‘ON’ … ‘ON’ no ‘OFF, ON’ …


Went to bed last night with this thread on 940-odd posts, so imagine my disappointment when I woke up this morning to see that it has yet to hit one thousand.

All you overseas posters are a bunch of slackers. A job at VAR awaits.