Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

I stupidly thought that they may see sense and revoke Jones yellow card as a sort of ‘make up’ call and becaue it was such an atrocious call. But no, they gave us the middle finger as if to say our lad made enough of a cnut of himself with the offside call, we aren’t going to throw him under the bus and reverse the red as well. Absolute wankers.


Yeah club need to come out with a list of this shite and call them corrupt.

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I think it’s a fix now more than ever. The VAR says quite clearly that they are “checking for a possible offside” at the beginning. After the check he says “check complete” which can only mean “I agree with the on-field decision”
He then stays vague for long enough for the game to restart giving him the excuse not to intervene again as the rules state he can’t. The assistant is just agreeing with him….why? The only ones that are alarmed are the Var technicians and management. It’s a fix! a 50k in your back pocket fix!
The game continued for a few seconds after that and then the ball went out of play. They could have stopped the game at that point and brought their error to the attention of the referee and got him to talk with both managers and show them on the VAR screen. Neither could argue that the goal should not have stood and would have agreed to award it in spite of the guidance (rules they made up to keep continuity)
The VAR PGMOL officials both saw that Diaz was onside from the replay. You cannot tell me that BOTH professionals on duty on VAR thought that they had “communicated” that correctly to the referee with “check complete” and that only the technicians saw that they hadn’t…
As soon as he Darren England said “check complete” without elaborating the full decision the assistant could have intervened to avoid misinterpretation. He didn’t and stayed quiet along with England until the game restarted.


Who says “off” immediately after “check complete. That’s fine. perfect”. It’s not on the script but you can clearly hear it.


I’d expect “out” to be the last word,as in “over and out” especially considering that VAR would be checking every goal to see if a player is “off” but not every ball near going “out” will be checked.Cuts down on the confusion if you think before speaking in this instance.

Check complete.Off. This could easily be seen as confirming an offside.It would be interesting to find and listen to the last game prior to this 1 and hear if this is how he always finishes his VAR checks.

First time I heard it I thought it was Hooper confirming ‘off’ it didn’t sound like VAR to me.

Just going on the transcript

" VAR: Check complete, check complete. That’s fine, perfect. Off."


" Referee: Cheers mate"

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Clearly it should be something like Cricket where the original decision is confirmed both at the start and end of the referral.


That’s where your mistake lies, you’re expecting them to be professional. You can’t possibly expect a bunch of lads in the Professional Game Match Officials Limited to be professional, can you?


After the restart, the ball was in play for 27 seconds, before going out for a throw in. It was then another 28 seconds before the throw in is taken. Hooper delayed the throw in because something was probably being communicated to him. Where is the recording of that conversation? Because according to PGMOL, Hooper wasn’t aware of the wrong decision until half time. Somebody is telling lies.


Like I said, they should release the full audio of the game.


And frankly, I think they should release the full audio for all games, and maximise transparency. Instead of doing all the PR fluff, they should just go ahead and demonstrate why it’s supposedly such a hard job to be a referee. I for one would have a lot more sympathy if they could.

They could and should acknowledge significant failings, while making a good faith effort to improve things. I don’t think anyone could blame them if that were the case.

But they won’t.

EDIT: Just saw that this is similar to what @ISMF said in the Referees thread.


Being selective at the very least. Which is why I would have wanted the full game. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they discussed what to do next and have a good laugh about it.

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The amount of money in this game and it is being refereed by a bunch of absolute amateurs. Never been one for the corruption stuff, but have to admit this set up is wide open to it.


I have been a ref of a different sport, and if I ever felt that I wasn’t making the right call, our wasnt sure of the call being made by someone else, or, heck, someone else misinterpreted my decision, I’d be blowing that whistle in a split second and confirm with the second ref of the situation.

Granted VAR can’t blow any whistles but I can’t see why they would allow the game to continue and be silent and not be in the ref’s ear.

Btw, who was the guy that kept wanting confirmation of VAR’s decision? ie. The one who was seeing the car crash before it happened?

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Oli Kohout, the VAR hub exec.

I am hoping FSG pick the bones out of what they have been given in the Audio recording… then go back and ask for the entire match commentary. Then, I am hoping they settle on a form of strategy that really makes the PGMOL begin to squirm - At the end of the day, they have denied us the advantage we should have had in bringing home the 3points… Same dogged determination should be expressed by us, as though it was the last game of the season, and we missed out on a top 4 placing, and the money we lose, or even denied us the crown, by a single solitary point…!


I’d say LFC already have the full commentary and maybe even the video footage of the VAR room.The PGMOL have fucked up hugely here and while they only need to show the rest of us the build up and decision on the disallowed goal,LFC would expect and probably be entitled to full disclosure under the circumstances.
In my opinion the 3 days were used to edit the footage for us which leaves me to believe there is something else they are hiding,although nothing illegal but probably even more embarrasing that what we have seen.

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At this point I’d be happy for us to join a super league and walk away from the PL (provided Cheaty and Sandcastle aren’t invited)

…and the post match thread passes the 1k mark…! Amazing really

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