Post Match: Spurs, Hooper, VAR, PL v Liverpool (EPL 30/9/23 5.30pm)

Supposedly they are allowed to up the card but not down it.

go for it, whats the worst thing that could happen…

also would it mean Jones and Jota would no longer be banned?


It would have been - once the game is restarted VAR can not go back to ref with any more information about the prior review. No one thinks following the protocol here was the right decision, but it is what they did, and they did so because this is who they are as people and what they have been trained to do over a decade or more.

On recommendation of VAR they can do either…so long as they think and we come back to this all the time they believe the on field made a “clear and obvious error”

Their intervention was over a missed red card. There is nothing controversial about their intervention there, even if people dont like the way the VAR then went about that intervention with the focus on the still frame (not technically outlawed, but not the preferred approach)

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Football in “having a lot to learn from rugby” shocker.

Everytime I hear a video review in rugby it is clear and concise.


Clear and obvious doesn’t cover everything though

Lack of hydrocarbon sand fuckers corrupting it up helps a wee bit.

Very small chances of a replay - we all know that.

But with this whole process and all the questions we’re asking we are making very sure referees don’t screw us anymore.

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VAR only has a remit for major game incidents - any decision around goals or penalties (either given or missed), direct red cards (missed or given incorrectly), or mistaken identity. The idea is that getting involved in anything else is too much of a negative impact on the flow of a game for something of too little impact

Further along in the same answer he’s also criticising the Jones red card, for what it’s worth.

It’s funny that each time he makes a criticism he stresses after that, “but it’s all fine”.

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Never has been never will be.

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It will only take one replay to make the officials take notice.
This is the perfect time. Kloppi s 100% correct.

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Spurs “Fuck off”

Rightly so, not their fault. Seriously dangerous precedent.

Interestingly, JĂźrgen was also asked if the club are therefore calling for a replay or not, and he asked someone off to the side, and repeated a non-answer verbatim.

EDIT: To add a source:

The idea that it must have been their fault for there to be a replay makes no sense logically.

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They played a game. It was refereed incorrectly. That’s not their fault. They were awarded 3 points.

What’s wrong with that statement please?


If this game is replayed then every team in the league could rightly point to ref/VAR errors and request replays.

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They benefitted from decisions made wrongly that compromised sporting integrity. What’s so hard to understand about that?

Their actions are irrelevant to the injustice created. Flip the roles around, I would not be opposed to a replay either.


I want to see the Liverpool Inter Milan 1965 semi replayed. I wonder how many aside it would be?